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Everything posted by Jamos

  1. I have a lovely girlfriend who tends to forget I exist.
  2. Ah ha no no, its okay if we disagree on something. Atlantica is missing places because you yourself don't go to the places. As for Halloween town, Jack works hard all year round to make the town different and even more terrifying every year for Halloween. And Agraba pretty much goes through its transformation through the coerce of KH 358 haha. The town kept going through sand storms and they kept rebuilding it.
  3. Atlantica looked the same, you just didn't get to explore it. And Halloween town changes every year. I think what he ment by original states is they should be free of heartless and re connected. The way they were befor their worlds were attacked. But if i remember correctly, he said they SHOULD have returned to their original states.
  4. What do you mean? The worlds didn't change appearance. The only reason why it changed in KH2 is because of the sand storms and how they had to rebuild everything.
  5. Bardock went back in time and whooped alien ass !
  6. I miss Dark Cloud and Megaman battle network/starforce, and Disgaea!
  7. I guess back in the day, a geek was seen as someone who was wimpy and spent all their time doing childish things (in the eyes of others). "Put down the obsession over dragons nerd, they aren't real". If you didn't live in the real world you were defiantly not cool. We used to live in a Barbi and Kan world after all. We still do to a degree. Luckily that's changing now that the world is starting to actually accept things that were used to me seen as odd or "gay". You know when Baseball first started, the men who played it were originally booed at and were hated. They were often told to stop playing stupid children games and find a job. Look at Baseball now.
  8. That was actually kinda hard for some reason. o.0
  9. Yeah that was a pain! It took me a while but if you spam the ability warp, you can make them all disappear in time! IF your lucky! Terra has to be the hardest to LVL 1 crit because the final boss heals faster than you do damage! Sooo I was never able to do it.
  10. Ahh, but you forget that there was a point were Diz roamed the realm of darkness with dark powers, and after all of this he had forgotten all of his experiences. Its just an idea though now that TIME TRAVEL is a part of the story, sadly anything is possible. For all you know, Answem the wise could be middle aged Xeanort. Maybe even he doesn't know it! Its kinda vary unlikely though.
  11. Sure I can. You told me to watch out oh Tiki Road for fear of the super Kia warriors, and If I want to go to Babylon Garden then I'll have to find another path. Yet I'm not sure if magic carpets are real. By your tone I don't think you do either.
  12. Haha I see someone is waking up with a lot of people ;P And thank you!
  13. I was on youtube and a title for one of the videos in my recommended tab was "Aqua makes Castle Oblivion." I wanted to cry.
  14. WOW! Sorry i just got off work and i need to sleep. I'll be off now beforeI hurt myself xDDD
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