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Everything posted by Jamos

  1. I know this here isn't finished but you should check out this form! http://en-forums.sonicscanf.org/topic/255-archies-sonic-fan-game-series-being-conceived-introduction/
  2. ^^^^^^^ That is mine. Lets work together to be Pokemon Masters!
  3. Ah ha I'm a bit of an air head. Thanks! Ill do that. By the way I added you!
  4. 3DS Name: Jesse Trainer ID: Jesse FC: 2766-8711-3671 Safari Type: Grass Safari Encounters: Pansage, Unknown, Quilladin I hope this isn't dead! How do I know who wants to add me, do I just put in all friend codes and hope for the best?
  5. If i remember correctly, wasnt each type added by the 13 plates Arcius had floating around him? I thought he lost a few of them making the types in the games up to gen 5. Maybe they already know where they are going with it?
  6. I wish it was as easy as that but he refuses to use youtube for some reason... Starting to wonder why I care so much. Oh yeah because everyone needs to see the KH greatness!
  7. Thanks guys this dose help! And as for him living under a rock, hes 33. He started disliking video games at a young age. Maybe from lack of skill? He loved just about every TV show. Once Upon a Time being one of his tops, so lets hope he likes this! When I try to explain it, he says "Z"ora should just kill Riku because hes evil!
  8. will do! well I know how to put a cd im, let it copy, and move it over. I have just never taken a video file and just put it on a disk.. It works the same way?
  9. I have DVDs and I know how to burn, but dose anyone know how I can go about putting the cut seans on a DVD? I have a friend at work that says video games are stupid and have no story. I wish to prove him wrong by putting all of the kingdom hearts story on DVD for him and BLOW HIS MIND! Hes willing to watch them. Just have to do it now.
  10. I'm trying to remove someone as well! I have taken them off my friend code list and they are still there.. Please help!
  11. Riku: Here she is Master Yid Cid, another of the key blade weirders. Yid Cid: MMmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMmmmMmmm *Cough cough* Are you sure this girl has enough different colors for her own spin off? Riku: Not yet, but she held a key blade one time. We will just have Nemura fix the color issue. *Kiari turns to hipster poorly dressed cotton candy looking bad ass.* Riku & Yid Cid: Perfect...
  12. Honestly I miss this Sonic. The new deal is cool but hes not the same guy, you know? But I guess everyone changes when they age like.. 4 years.. haha
  13. This is why my and my ex broke up! She didn't want a real boyfriend right now but instead to droll over Axel. So I'm making her a Pokemon game to win her back!
  14. I thought the people in the Colosseum were all clones of great heroes of time, so wouldn't that mean it is possible that Lightning in Lightning Returns could be the one from the Colosseum?
  15. I work from 10 at night till 7 in the morning... So is 8 PM late?
  16. My girlfriend got me a 3DS then broke up with me.. Wut?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. I♥KH


      break up, because not nintendo XL? and sorry

    3. Ghost


      Whoa that's...wait does she still see you as a friend? That could be why...

    4. Jamos


      Yeah, she got mad when I said i couldn't

      talk to her for a while. Shes never had a broken heart before. >.>

  17. I LOVE IT... But lately everything seems to be falling apart and seem confusing. The tails doll should have made a much creepier entrence, and in pretty sure Sally will be turn back to human by Nagus. I think that's his name at least. I'm sure Bunny is with her uncle and is going to be the one who deactivates the bombs in their brains. I LOVE the twisted turn Eggman has taken. I just kinda wish I didnt have to look at Big, Cream, or Silver. They just don't feel right in the universe to me.
  18. He said he wanted to show a future game... So i hid my cries for KH3. That couldn't possibly happen yet! So I told my friend. "It has to be TWEWY2". The Disney logo came up, My heart stopped for a second. It felt like time stopped. "No it can't be, it must just be KH 1.5!" It showed some kh1... It had to be kh 1.5. It showed COM... Then KH2. My brain couldn't comprehend. Was this KH3? NO! Just KH 2.5! Still cool but.. not Kh3.. Showed Kh3d'd and Sora slowly moved to more advanced graphics.. I yelled "What?!" and slammed my hand into my friend. "WHAT!?" I then screamed. "YES! firetruck YES!" and the neighbor said shut up. D
  19. But I was planning on taking my family to Disney world this year.. -Pulls out wallet- Damn it Square!
  20. I feel like my best friend died a few years ago and I found out I have been with his evil twin this whole time. D:
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