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Everything posted by Solarclaw

  1. It's a waterbird, too I call SoKai hint! (Sort of) And they're mostly in the west, so Sora could be an american (south or north, whatever) I find this greatly amusing
  2. Treeko 'cause I played Emerald (which my brother lost DX<) with it. Off-topic: Btw, did anyone else notice that Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby looks like an anagram of Sora?
  3. Most likely (6-7 hours is good, right?) Rare times when I sleep late yet wake up a few hours later; still don't know why about that.
  4. 9/19 (actually 10/19) Hmm, not bad. GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Advance SP (not included in options), Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
  5. I'll take that bet and raise it by a mime.
  6. I'd like to think that the Epic Mickey games were like....Mickey's Mark of Mastery exam.
  7. Ah, sorry ^^; I was busy battling/losing against someone.
  8. Hmm...I would like a Totodile, too. But I'm honestly not sure how to do this ^^; Do I just ask for a Trade Request whenever you're online?
  9. Hello, and Happy Holidays! (hopefully) May I have a Piplup and Feebas, as well? Thank you Name: Rhea FC: 5472 - 6978 - 8216
  10. In game nickname: Ruby 3DS nickname: Rhea Friend Code: 5472-6978-8216 Safari Type: Psychic Safari Encounters: Abra, Gothorita, Espurr Bah, not good safari for me. Only upside imo is that there's a cat involved
  11. Oh gawdz, I don't know if I could handle all this.....all this news~ And that Instagram....so lucky......so very lucky.....But seriously, some of those pics....
  12. So this just a little something I came up with when I was listening to 'At Dusk, I Will Think of You...' Great music and I was inspired by two of the YouTube comments (which were also short poems). No set rhyming or sequence/rhythm; doesn't follow those actual official poems that have those set rules and stuff. Just something from the top of my head. I remember…..the past The Days gone by Being together Under the ever-changing sky The night was full of stars And the day was clear Full of darkness And full of light But our favorite time Was full of colors and quiet sounds As the sky burned And our clock tower chimed Sunlight shone silver Shadows turned grey Neither a shining night Nor a shrouded day There was no tint There was no shade As light and darkness Faded away
  13. Oh, wow. Thanks you guys ^/////^ Yes it is hard. Which is why I'm gonna take Creative Writing class for the fall semester coming up at school. Though I'll probably end up with a C or something......I'm so slow at what I do Orz Another Riku fangirl? Well, I guess that makes sense since he's very cute....Er....don't kill me because I'm a Riku fan too.....Except I'm more of a closet-fan....*shuffles nervously*
  14. o////o Oh, um thanks......I probably should have put that I do, in fact, reply fast...sort of... B-b-...B-but I don't actually....drink tea *winces* I'm sorry! v_v I do love chocolate though.... And I kinda...figured that out when I look through the recently posted topics and whatnot. Most, if not all, of you are very....eccentric. Er....I....don't really know what some of the acronyms you're all using. And, I guess I don't really want to know. I have a bad? habit of ignoring something if I....don't really care for it *shuffles nervously*
  15. Again, hi. I'm Solarclaw *awkward wave* I've actually followed KH13 news since the announcement of KH3D but haven't really signed in since....a few months ago? I can't remember. And even after I created this account I've only just stalked about two topics so this is my first uh....post? contribution? to the forum. Too shy and too pessimistic about self as well as fear of having posts/topics that are just plain rants/rambles. Probably just my borderline anxiety disorder >> But now that that's out of the way! *throws notepad/greeting card to the side* I love Kingdom Hearts. Make no mistake about it. Unfortunately....I've never actually played any of them /brick'd Okay, I tried a bit of KH II, but I got stuck on like...the first day. Orz I'm sorry! I just can't really handle having to control the camera as well as other things. I'm only used to, like....an automated camera similar to Super Smash Bros. Brawl and as for actual fighting....well, I spam with Pikachu in Brawl and I love turn-based systems(?). Like Pokemon. And maybe Final Fantasy IX. As you can see, I don't like being pressured. Not at all. I like taking my time. This could be due to the fact that I actually like playing chess and whatnot. ...Oops. I rambled again....Sorry ^^; Anyways, yes. I love KH even though I've never actually played any of the games nor do I really want to *winces* But I love the story and the designs and the concepts! I also love art. And I do like reading fanfiction. Lots and lots of fanfiction. Combined, I have something of a volume series(?) of my own fanfiction in the KH universe. Including OCs.....I love my OCs. *shuffles nervously* But they're all in my head. I have....a lot of trouble of actually writing stuff down. Orz Which brings me to the actual main reason why after such a long time of being a lurker I decided to join. Fanfiction. And fanart, maybe. I have a deviantart account (s0larclaw812). There isn't much....like....almost nothing KH related is posted. Just favorited. Lots of stuff.... I have lots of ideas....And I guess I just want to....talk? No, type them out and share them. Get some feedback. Even though I'm sensitive, I do like constructive criticism. And compliments...my low self-esteem is kept alive by a small compliment every......once in a few months...or so.....I forgot. So, yeah. I guess I should stop here....*cringes at long post* I ramble too much Orz I'll maybe post up the current fanfic I'm co-authoring in (helped in the middle or the last few chapters since it's still ongoing). Having trouble with that and would love some help for it.... But again, maybe. Remember, it took me a few months to even build up the confidence to decide to post this....and it's taken me a few hours just to type it *winces* .....I'm sorry for my rambling *shuffles away in pessimistic failure*
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