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Everything posted by Solarclaw

  1. Is it just me, or are more PRs gettin' either sassy or meme-y? Notably on Twitter Case in point: Wendy's vs Burger King
  2. I woulda said Destiny Islands because heat and sand and water and heat and sunsets/rises. But then I remembered that Twilight Town also had a beach and the sunsets are also as gorgeous.
  3. I was tempted to also choose Treasure Planet, but I would rather limit that world to just the Planet itself. I'd rather not go into the wonky explanation of Treasure Planet's classic ship to Kingdom Hearts' Gummi ship.
  4. oh sorry, didn't know that. You should probably put in a warning at the top or something that these aren't yours
  5. omg These are AMAZING! Great job
  6. Nope. I'm mostly fine with what they showed. That and the stats they showed at the end gives a clear message that it's worth it and more for its price. I am loving Bayonetta; looks so broken and OP (I honestly expect her to be banned in tourneys ) tbh I didn't really have hope for Sora to be in Smash, realistically speaking. As popular as he is, he's not THAT popular all over the world compared to, like, Cloud. While yes, the same can be said about Bayonetta, it's a wonderful surprise and imo a more recent character to the mind (as in, Bayonetta 2 for the WiiU is still kinda fresh in gamer's minds). Corrin? Honestly, reminds me of when Marth / Roy back in Melee. Promotional value as well as probably popular in Japan since the game came out over there. I am also loving the music they chose. Just yessss And I need those artworks and amiibos in my LIFE
  7. Too many to count, the the majority tend to be Sonic Final Bosses, Kingdom Hearts, and Undertale
  8. Does just celebrating the fact that I won't have to cook for a while count? THANKSGIVING LEFTOVERS FTW
  9. Though the cameos are what really brought people to see Wreck-it Ralph, I agree that there are enough original characters for its own world. That said, since it IS that cameos that made it special, Square Enix can replace them with their own game characters and even from some Disney games too. I wouldn't mind a summon, but it can stand as its own world, even if only a mini-game world of racing in Sugar Rush or a climbing one in the Wreck-it Ralph game. So yes, a Wreck-it Ralph world IS possible. imo it's a manner of how they'll handle it and how the fans will react to it. I have no doubt that there will be complaints from some on how it would be practically useless / unnecessary just because their "favorite video game character" (ie Sonic, PacMan, Ryu) isn't it due to this licensing problem.
  10. Honestly, both the "Side Story" ones and the IGNorant ones just irk me. But it's pointless to keep that issue up for too long
  11. Shadow Kanji, obviously (for real though, I have no idea)
  12. Why do I have to choose? WHY? D8 Too many, they're all good! Lovely designs for each as well as the associated power. However, taking into account a fighting style that I prefer, which is mostly speed, I'll have to go for the knives. With the power of lightning as well, they're very quick and can also be thrown without too much consequence. Also, hidden knives for assassination attempts as well as better suited to having to switch fighting styles imo. Sure, the range can be a disadvantage for close combat and there isn't much guarding area with them, but that's why I need to be speedy.
  13. The Horned King from Black Cauldron. I would like to have him collaborating with Maleficent even if his movie is kinda bleh-to-meh.
  14. I want to play this game so bad. Moreso to create Kaizo levels and the like than to play them though I'd leave the playing to my brother. In any case, I've been mostly watching livestreams of this game and getting the streamer to play the REALLY difficult levels, near-Boshy, is so nice to watch. The struggle! The suffering! The puzzling! THE SALT! 8D That being said, I have here some levels to share from people I've watched make them: Ultimate-r Mario Challenge F579-0000-003E-DCE4 Wizardopolis 622D-0000-0034-3531 Sky High Shuffle 1C64-0000-003B-82DD Pit of Panga: Yoshi 7011-0000-0034-6480 Chain Chomp Challenge 5021-0000-0010-CDED Bahroo's Castle E2E7-0000-0048-4341 Super Mario Boys EFBA-0000-0039-9C3B (title forgotten) C16E-0000-0043-5320 (title forgotten) 805D-0000-0042-C189 (Note that these are mostly difficult at the top)
  15. The "& Knuckles" is what really gets me to be honest
  16. Looks interesting and something Atlus-styled Honestly, this commercial reminds me of a some combination of Persona, Smash (New Fighter), and FF XV trailers. And I only know Dimps from the Sonic games they've made xDDDDD
  17. YOU'RE A KID YOU'RE A SQUID YOU'RE A KID YOU'RE A SQUID Why Octo-anything? Why not 5? Pentapus vs Penta pi GO
  18. I like both, however call me some sort of biased oldie but I prefer Cyberman over Everglow because I was introduced to the KH series, like really introduced to it through Cyberman and his walkthrough. In fact, it wasn't until I've found KH13 some years afterwards that I've heard and seen Everglow's videos While yes, Everglow does have very nice looking and well-done videos, I like my classics from time to time
  19. Well, what games HAVE you played? lol And well, what sort of systems do you have? Well, going off a random list, I would like to recommend Danganronpa (and maybe its sequel), Flower, Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak, 999 and VLR, Chibi-Robo, Corpse Party, Fez, Okamiden, Wings of Vi, VVVVVV, Please Don't Touch Anything, Jazzpunk, The Swapper, Teslagrad, Titan Souls, Ys Origin, Valdis Story, Freedom Planet, aaaannd Ni No Kuni. Long list, random list, very wide variety; from Side-scrolling platformers to JRPGs, point-and-clicks to visual novels. Weeee! Would probably take too long to describe each one though xDDDD
  20. Perhaps some of the Don Bluth movies, like Land Before Time or Secret of NIMH. Though for Secret of NIMH or American Tail, probably little cameos if they decide to put a Great Mouse Detective or The Rescuers world(s). Looney Tunes would be interesting as well. Oooh, Balto would be nice too. I would also love if they put in Roger Rabbit in either the next Disney world (hopefully the House of Mouse) or in Radiant Garden. Road to El Dorado would be nice also; Sora and company fighting against the big stone panther would be awesome. We're Back! A Dinosaur's story I would love to have Rex or one of the others as a summon. Casper too. Some Studio Ghibli films would be sweet. Maybe even Studio Ghibli: The Game, aka Ni No Kuni lol Hmm....Harry Potter would be nice too, advance training in magic for Sora, no? Wizard of Oz too for that matter. Also, Guardians of Ga'Hoole and Warriors. Also, The Mummy, Coraline, and / or Boxtrolls would be awesome. GAH too many things I would like in KH Most of them being for my personal interest on how they would handle these stories and fit in to the feel / tone of KH.
  21. Obviously, the Fourth Flavor that Numbah 5 tasted in that one ice cream episode.
  22. It was alright. Rather symbolic and Baby Noctis is cute! But I wish there was a little more. I understand that it was a sort of prologue, a flashback, or a look to the past, but half the trailer was just the hugging scene. And that beard.
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