Aye! I'm a proud shipper of the Silvaze (and the Sonamy) and wish for him to return to a bigger role in a future game. Generations was him being a bonus, but it was nice to see him anyways (and lovely lovely Quinton Flynn being his new VA). Oooh, though it may not be canon to the video games uiniverse, the Archie comics has some awesome Silver arcs Such lovely and makes me love him more lol
And I'm loving this direction Aaron Webber and the rest of the Sonic PR team are taking this icon. Bringing back that 90s attitude and mixing it nicely with the more humor filled memes of today. Can't wait to watch that Boom season2, so much fun, and heard that Fire&Ice was successful (not the best, but definitely better than previous Boom game titles). Also can't wait for a little more info of Project 2017, but hopefully not too much like how the Pokemon Company is handling Sun&Moon (seriously, tmi so close to release).
And of course, Mania is going to be SWEET