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Everything posted by Solarclaw

  1. I wish I had that much games o.o And the motivation to play them I'm here on the computer though and KH13
  2. Quick!! Someone get the Holy Hand Grenade+!!!
  3. Mwahahahahaha > I get so happy getting such reactions from you guys (I teared up myself win I was looking for these )
  4. I'll take up your offer, and raise you with these: Right in the FEELS!! ;_;
  5. I'm glad for 2 things about his news: Nomura-san can now focus more on KHIII either than trying to juggle both this and FFXV. This also means that both games have a higher possibility of being released sooner either than 4+ years in the future....just for Japan too HOWEVER, I would like to point out that sometimes speed is not always good. In such haste, some things may get overlooked. Look at what happened with Sonic 06 *shot and brick'd and horribly maimed for mentioning that thing* In any case, I wish them luck in deciding to go at full speed and a dang powerful break just in case.
  6. *grabby hands* They look amazing! What flavor though?
  7. o.o That's some pretty good observation. Though I'm unsure if Nomura and the writers planned that far ahead when they made KH2. Though it does bring up the question of before KHx was created; if not Unicornis, why Unicorns for that mansion? I'll probably need to look up on the symbolizations unicorns have
  8. On TwitchPlaysPokemon xDDD Go Beesus

  9. It looks like somebody on the designer's team was a fan of Mirror's Edge or something o.o Overall like the designs, though I do have some issues. But I agree, Mr. Marshmallow is/should be huggable and squishy
  10. Scary as fudge, but amazing background stories to them!
  11. The trick is to scream out "BUMBLEBEE!!" or mention a Decepticon
  12. Thanks ^^ And it's alright. Bills and stuff are more important anyways. You don't have to donate and can spread the word instead! Any kind of help is great, really
  13. Hello! So, recently for the last few days I've been watching TheSpeedGamers' Pokemon Marathon. They're a great community of gamers and basically fun people (like everyone else here). Right now, they're doing a Pokemon Marathon/charity, raising money for St. Jude's Research Hospital. They're going to try and catch every pokemon and perhaps even a complete living pokedex. Games included are: FireRed, LeafGreen, Diamond, Pearl, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Ruby, Sapphire, Black2, White2. Also, as some incentive for more donations, you can name the Pokemon they catch. $10 for a random pokemon (the recently caught). $20 for a specific pokemon. And naming legendaries are auctioned off to the highest bidder. At the end, they will transfer all the pokemon caught to Pokemon Ranch to show off all the creavtive names. There are also some big auctions and events. Former official translator for the Pokemon Company (from Japanese-to-English), Nob Ogasawara, is also joining the chat and sometimes a Skype call. He has translated from the original Red and Blue up to Diamond and Pearl. They have already auctioned off a boxed Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue signed by Nob. The last prize to be auctioned off is an original Gameboy Pocket, also signed by Nob. (He has also included the quote "Smell ya later!" on the case). As of this post (1:48 am, Pacific Standard Time) and for the next 2+ hours, they are going to give away a pre-order of either AlphaSapphire or OmegaRuby. By donating, you are given an entry to a raffle to win and the winner gets to choose which game they want. This is organized/paid for by Bulbagarden, creator/head of Bulbapedia. And on that note, they have already been promoted by sites like Bulbapedia, Serebii, and Marriland and the support of the many people in the community. So if you can't donate, then you can help spread the word of this event (like me ^^) by Tweet, Facebook, etc. Thanks for reading and sorry if this is in the wrong topic/section. Tired...
  14. TheSpeedGamers are hosting a Pokemon Marathon and currently trying to reach $15k in less than 20 mins. With that, a random person that donated will win a preorder to either OmegaRuby or AlphaSapphire (your choice) http://tsg.tv/ (donations go to St. Jude's research hospital)

    1. Solarclaw


      No, you have a chance to. A donation is an entry to a raffle to the pre-order (paid by Bulbapedia)

    2. Caxkj


      If they randomly pick you apparently.

    3. Jake


      Oh okay.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. http://tsg.tv/ TheSpeedGamers is hosting a Pokemon Marathon for a complete living dex and you can donate to St. Jude's Research hospital for stuff like naming pokemon they catch and game auctions
    1. Sora96


      You're welcome to post a topic if you wish.

    2. Solarclaw


      Ah, thank you. But ah....where can I put it? In the Pokemon section or in Random?


    3. Sora96


      You're welcome. It's already up I see, but yeah no issue with either forum.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. Honesly, though. Not as brutal as that Cameroon vs. Croatia match. I understand that not only is Spain is one of the leading influences to the sport and had high expectations for being the former champs, as I've learned from Game of Thrones, no one is safe. Strange analogy,oh well. But that 4-0 match? Brutal to me, and I didn't even know that there were these countries.
  17. I want to get both but I don't have enough money for a WiiU and it's game. Only have enough for the 3DS version and saving for PS4 (which will take a long while) and KH3 when it comes out
  18. OMG Pac-Man!! The Classic Icons!! TOGETHER!! 8O

  19. Sony's conference was good to me. Not as epic as last year but oh well. Highlights for me are: LBP3, Abzu, Entwined, No Man's Sky, Rachet&Clank movie, and Batman. More than Microsoft (Dragon Age, Project Spark, AC)

    1. theultimatesorafan
    2. Solarclaw


      Don't play that and it looks to hard for me; I'm more of a casual gamer

  20. Actually interested in that AC Unity; then again, taking French for Summer

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