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Birth by Chawklet

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Everything posted by Birth by Chawklet

  1. Wow, I forgot all about my Genesis X_____x I used to play it quite a bit too. But Im always a Nintendo gal at heart.
  2. All this. Soul Eater is quite awesome. Though I do agree that the ending to the anime was...eh...I highly recommend the manga. It is so much better and much more in depth. More character development as well. I got to meet Todd Haberkorn and Micah Solusod in real life at a con! Those guys are pretty awesome! But yeah, Soul Eater...thumbs up! I watched a few mins of the anime (in japanese) and couldnt stomach Tsuna's voice, so I went back to reading the manga. Which I love.
  3. I want to meet the idiots who thought not only that burning plastic was a fantastic idea but that burning violent video games would solve the world's problems o___O
  4. Cant wait for Shameless to resume! Ive been jonesing for it since...LAST YEAR!!

    1. Birth by Chawklet

      Birth by Chawklet

      USA Shameless, never seen the UK one. Im afraid Ill just compare it to the USA one...even though the UK one was first :X

    2. Caity


      the UK ones better T.T

      So is the UK Inbetweeners

    3. Birth by Chawklet
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  5. NES was the first system I ever played, but I have to say most of my fondest memories were on the SNES, PS and N64. I remember playing Tetris Attack on SNES with my Mom and Dad, and trying to solve puzzles with them and my sisters on the Lemmings. Also, four way battle on The New Tetris on N64. I have to go back to the SNES for the best stuff though. Cant beat watching your Dad play DK and going behind him and trying to do as good as he did. Tetris Attack has to be my favorite game of all time though thanks to all the memories it brought. SNES ftw.
  6. Dude, I remember facing off against Sephy in KH1. He kicked my butt SO MANY TIMES. And the one time I did beat him RIGHT when I was saving the game our power went out....WHICH MEANT I HAD TO BEAT HIM AGAIN!!! Which I couldnt do to save my life....and still to this day cannot. Kurt Zisa kicked my ever loving butt (dont get me started on the Clock Tower Phantom =) but you dont quit the game because of it. You just keep trying. Or quit trying to beat the boss and play something else But give up on a great franchise because of that? o___O That seems....silly....
  7. LOL!!!! He reminds me of Improv Everywhere group on YouTube lol I would love for that guy to come to my mall! And I really dont see why he isnt allowed to play his saxophone outside =
  8. MSN: sansanofthesand@hotmail.com AIM: AlisCritiasFang YIM: sunaryusan Hope to chat it up with you guys soon!
  9. I didnt know he was getting a keyblade until I saw it as one of the topics on the forum...... .______. But Im pretty sure Ill scream so loud still itll startle my poor boyfriend.
  10. Greetings!!!!! Also a pretty big Naruto fan. Its nice to meetcha! Im also trying to learn japanese and some day hope to visit Japan! Im not on here as much as others but feel free to send a few words my way when you get the chance!!! Fair warning, I talk....alot lol
  11. PAYDAY!!!! IM RICH!!! *pays bills* IM BROKE AGAIN!!! D:

  12. Hello! Im fairly new here as well!!! And I consider the KH soundtracks to be one of the best out of there! I havent played BbS but I do love KH2!!! I hope we can be good friends!!!!
  13. Ive thought briefly on this option myself and actually taking action towards it. I have a friend Ive discussed this problem with and she has her own apartment. When I get my car situation straightened out I was planning on moving in with her until this whole brother situation gets taken care of. But not without letting him my boyfriend know the reason Im leaving. Heck, Ive even told him I may move back in with my Mom for a while (and I love my mother, but I despise living with her and my sisters. *shudders*) because Im tired of him stressing out over pleasing me and his brother. And we dont have much privacy honestly. And maybe its because Ive lived with my Mother for such a long time with all my sisters that I feel this way. When you move out of your parents home into your own (or less strict home) you imagine all these things you get to do that you couldnt before. Playing music on the stereo while you clean, being able to dress down on your days off, not having to lock your doors, buying whatever you want, having any pet you want. But I cant do ANY of those things. His brother stays up till like 3am in the morning so hes sleeping when Im cleaning and I cant make much noise or he'll complain, I cant wear what I want because his brother has said something to his brother about it, I have to lock the door to make sure his brother doesnt come in our (my boyfriend and myself) room getting things hes run out of, I cant buy certain things for dinner because his brother doesnt eat it or is allergic to it, and Ive ALWAYS wanted a pet cat but his brother is allergic to cats. Last but certainly not least, his brother has his own room and own bathroom....a bathroom which hadnt been cleaned in close to a year (maybe more) according to my boyfriend. And it only got clean recently because their mom's water heater was acting up so she had to come use the showers in our house. I was asleep so she had to use his brother's bathroom, and had to clean it up first before she could. Im pretty sure it would still be dirty if I was awake and she used ours. Look, Ive been in a few relationships before and this is honestly the best one. My boyfriend has done more for me than anyone before him, sometimes even my own family has done for me. People have suggested breaking up with him but honestly I dont think thats an option. I dont think its fair to the both of us to break up over his brother. Once again I thank all of you guys for your advice. I know people are having much bigger problems than my own yet you guys took the time out to help me with mine. It means alot.
  14. I need more friends on DragonVale <____< I NEED MOAR GEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Yes, everyone loves notifications....unless theyre from........................................................ ..........................................................FARMVILLE!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  16. Ah, My Name is Earl. I love that show! And youre totally right, it is weird that I just stay in that room. My boyfriend's commented on it a time or two before. But his brother doesnt like my loungewear (for lack of a better word) so I just kinda stay in the room. Besides, theres an 360 and TV in there so Im not bored. I just dont want to give his brother anything else to say to my boyfriend to bother him. I love that idea though. Like alot. I just dont think my boyfriend would want to put up the money for that. Especially since money is tight as it is now. But I may jokingly pitch it him and see what he says lol Youre absolutely right. It isnt my place to tell him anything about his brother. Which is why Ive stopped. I do try the occasional subtle hint and try to be as happy as I can there. I mean, I love my boyfriend. Alot. And I dont want this to come between us, so I bite my lip and try to do the best I can for him. I just wish his brother did more. And I appreciate all you guys offering your advice, whether youre silently judging me or not lol.
  17. I try not to. I really do. Especially since, once again, his brother was there before me. On my days off the only time I go downstairs (besides cleaning up) is to get something to eat and then Im back upstairs in my boyfriend's room out of his brother's way. That whole downstairs he has all to himself. I cook, I clean, I do laundry. I dont see how his brother would think that Im intruding. Im just trying to help out my boyfriend since hes trying to do the whole school/work thing. It stresses him out sometimes, and having his brother live there rent free isnt helping. But, once again, where else would he go? And I know you werent trying to say I was trying to intrude, I was just emphasizing that I wasnt trying to.
  18. His Mom is a very busy lady. But she does give him odd jobs to do in exchange for money. Again, he just blows it on other stuff instead of saving it up. And I would not do that to any of our friends. Plus, theyve heard the stories. And the ones who havent arent financially sound enough to support someone who isnt going to pay them back. And, I dont think his brother has any friends honestly x____x
  19. Thats just it RD. My boyfriend has talked to his brother about getting a job. Ive given him information about job opportunities. Everyone has. And Ive talked to my boyfriend about getting him a deadline, but Im pretty sure his brother knows that he wont kick him out. He would have to go back to his mother's and I wouldnt want to do that to her. Shes a very nice lady with problems of her own right now. ):
  20. *sighs* Okay..here goes... So currently Im, for the most part, living with my boyfriend. We've been dating for a year and a half and for...Im gonna say a year is how Ive been staying with him. And for that entire time, and apparently almost two years before that, his brother has been living with him rent free. When I first started staying with him it didnt bother me that much. I mean, Im the new person. Intruding in on their bachelor pad, ya know? So I tried not to make too much of a fuss. But as the relationship got more serious little things started to get at me more and more. First, let me back up and say Ive known my boyfriend longer than we've been dating. For a few years we used to work together, so I heard stories about his bummy brother who couldnt keep a job and has been mooching off him for years and how much it frustrates him that he doesnt pay any bills. Now, my boyfriend is currently a manager at his job so he makes quite bit. He works like 12 hours days starting from 4am till whenever he gets the work done. He has his own home, his own car, decent credit, etc. So as the relationship progresses I start to offer some of my meager earnings to benefit the household. Whether it be towards the mortgage, groceries, gas (I currently dont have a car so he drives me to work sometimes. But we work for the same company.), and other things we might need. But his brother does not. The little bit he does get from their mom he buys cigarettes, games and the occasional $20 worth of food thats more for him than anyone. It wouldnt bother me that much if he cleaned while my boyfriend and I are at work, but he RARELY does that. I, or my poor boyfriend, have to end up cleaning the house on our days off. My boyfriend tells me to make myself at home, but I cant. My boyfriend and I have had a fight or two about his brother being there and not doing any contributions, but where else would the guy go? Living with his Mom nearly destroyed her relationship with her husband for the same reasons, and Im afraid its going to do the same for us. I guess what Im asking is, what should I do? I dont want to make him choose between me or his brother, because that isnt fair. Thats his family. And its not my place to talk to his brother about anything. Hes like 30 something. And honestly I dont think it would be right for me to leave my boyfriend because of his brother. That would be stupid. *sigh* I guess Im asking what you neutral parties think. Ive asked my friends but their opinions are a little biased lol. Oh, and on Christmas with what little I had I was able to get my boyfriend something he wanted for Christmas, a new phone holster and Assassin's Creed III. He loved them both. Then his brother turns around and buys him a phone case for his birthday, which is a few days after Christmas. I dont know why, but it bothers me. Like alot. Probably petty feelings because of my already deep disdain for the guy but it really hurt my feelings.
  21. How I Met Your Mother....love this freaking show.

  22. Im so shallow when it comes to the Dream Eaters lol If it doesnt look pretty or remotely cool...I dont use it >_____< IM A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!
  23. In Sora's shoes. Why arent Chip and Dale charging for their gummi ship business?
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