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Birth by Chawklet

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Everything posted by Birth by Chawklet

  1. I never once mentioned hamster lol SLH did =P And hes a damn dirty liar! Anywho, I need a vice president of the club. Apply at the SLH's house. There may be tea.
  2. Its really not...a big deal for me. I was just stating a fact. And theres a few cartoons where the characters do age and change appearance. Besides, it isnt the main reason I stopped watching the show....I just lost interest. And the Pokemon started to suck.

  4. Physically....hes never changed physically lol He still looks exactly the same after...how many years?
  5. We will have daily meetings to discuss SLH's hotness. There will be pictures, and maybe video. There will also be a club meeting to his home next Tuesday.
  6. The only problem I ever had with the Ultima Weapon is not being to find one of the Orichalcum+....and it turns out it was on the ledge in TWTNW....I felt so stupid lol But I didnt leave the franchise because of it o__O I just tried to beat the game without it.
  7. Okay uhm, Im new here and all but I still want to submit my two cents: Why...does ANYONE...have a problem with someone liking someone elses posts? WHY?! What are you getting for having the mosts likes? If you arent getting any reward why the heck does it matter?! WHY?! Why would you care?! I dont understand. Lets someone have their likes if thats what makes them happy! My goodness! Look, the only problem I have with the likes system is that Im easily amused so I run out of likes from time to time. Gimme more likes ): But yeah, if (for some reason) someone has that big of a problem with the likes system then yeah....remove it. But then people might complain that there isnt one...... You cant please everyone....
  8. Because..... ............you know why.......... and so does he............. *winks*
  9. I used to love Pokemon back when it was 151, but after that the Pokemon looked...not good. And the names? I know there werent some winners in the first 151, but the later ones didnt seem like they were trying. *adjusts hipster glasses* And the fact that Ash never changed, or hit puberty......he hasnt hit puberty yet has he? I did love Digimon though. It was a lot more serious, more mature even to me. But like Pokemon after a couple more seasons it didnt start to appeal to me any more.
  10. LOL! I was about to make a thread about this, but I thought someone already had lol
  11. Can someone stop it from raining here? Cause....I dont like it.

    1. Birth by Chawklet

      Birth by Chawklet

      Ugh. I hate when it rains while Im taking a test. It makes me all sleepy and stuff ):

    2. Caity


      Same ): Also dislike having to sit with wet tights after walking to school in the rain.

      I have one tomorrow, what test was it you had to do?

    3. Birth by Chawklet

      Birth by Chawklet

      It was some exam in high school. I forgot what it was....probably because I fell asleep.... x____x

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. When your time comes Im sure youll be fine. Especially since you already know your flaws. Its the best way to conquer them after all. Sometimes Im afraid I wnot be a good mother, but my boyfriend tells me that Im such a caring person that I wouldnt have a problem when the time came. Besides, taking care of four sisters for a few years does help in the experience field =P Im sure you have hidden qualities waiting to be discovered the moment your time comes to be a father. Ive heard some people say that they didnt know they could be a parent until they hold the little one in their arms. Again, I know your time is FAR off and youre just voicing your worries but that doesnt mean you cant take some of the more serious advice to heart!
  13. No for previous guesses. Jack!!! *goes to scavange for food*
  14. That is an excellent song! My Soul, Your Beats! - Lia
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