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Birth by Chawklet

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Everything posted by Birth by Chawklet

  1. Okay soooooooooooooo, currently playing through Arkham City (NO SPOILERS PLZ) and I cannot believe it took me so long to play it. I mean I loved Arkham Asylum, it was one of the best superhero games I have ever played! And Asylum is just as good if not better! What are your thoughts on these games and can you wait for Arkham Origins?!
  2. https://www.facebook.com/ChawkletThundah No game requests other than Candy Crush plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ^___________________^
  3. I hope they keep his KH2 outfit. LOVED the KH2 outfit! And I didnt think the drive forms were that overpowered either. I do not think I used them much in the boss fights until I got Final Form. Mostly because I feared shifting into Anti-Sora. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that plain sucks x____X
  4. *waves* Like the title says...Im back ^^ Hopefully for longer than my first initial appearance! If you dont remember me thats fine....Ill just.......hide in a corner somewhere....or something ):
  5. So, Im pretty sure some of you remember the post I made not too long ago about the problems my bf and I are having concerning his brother. If not, well...you can read it. Its around somewhere. Anywho, due to these issues Ive decided to take some of you guys advice, along with my best friend, and go stay at my Mother's for a while. Her internet is crapola so I wont be on here, that I think my time away would be better spent thinking of the direction my life is going. Ive been putting off this decision for a while and Im sure most of my free time is going to be spent SERIOUSLY depressed, and I wouldnt wanna bog anyone down with my crap. I may come back, I may not. It depends on how things go. I just need to grow up a little more. I leave the care of the SLH Fanclub in Xaon's hands. I know I havent been here for as long as others so Im not looking what may be goodbye, just wanted to cement my own thoughts somewhere I guess. Well, tootles.
  6. You ever have that problem where there is PLENTY of food in the house....but you dont know what you want to eat...so you sit starving until you figure it out .______.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Birth by Chawklet

      Birth by Chawklet

      That sounds delicious, but we went grocery shopping at WalMart yesterday and they didnt have any eggs =\

    3. Col.Random


      then you must find a chicken

    4. Birth by Chawklet

      Birth by Chawklet

      The chicken is for dinner lol

  7. LOL, I knew about the...High Guy (as I call him) I was talking about the comic, which I should have looked up on knowyourmeme and didnt. Cause Im dumb .______. Anywho, the meme is called Boardroom Suggestion lol And this is one of my favorites:
  8. There was this...horrifying thing: And....this. Which looks like a good.......movie? o__O
  9. LOL I love this meme XDD I wish I knew what it was called
  10. Dont think Xaon would be happy to hear that lol
  11. It crashed because I wasnt here *poses, then shot*
  12. A guilty pleasure of mine: When people ask me if I have kids I say yes and that I keep him in a cage and feed him kibbles and bits. Only 30% know Im joking

  13. So I saw this hilarious picture on Facebook: And it got me wondering about which other Marvel characters could be cast if this awesome fantastic parody would ever made. I know it never will....but a girl can dream right? Especially if they get the same Avengers cast to do it! Oh the hilarity that would ensue!
  14. Thats another good theory that I never thought. And actually until now I never thought about Andy's Dad period o___O But the divorce theory seems alot more plausible. Im pretty sure if the Dad died there would be some evidence of lingering melancholy (for lack of a better word) to Andy and maybe even the Mom. Disney doesnt seem to have a problem mentioning family members dying, but I dont think I can remember a Disney animated movie where they talked about divorce. Correct me if Im wrong though.
  15. So, guess who might be going to Disney World in a few months?! D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weiss
    3. Birth by Chawklet

      Birth by Chawklet

      Its me guys....its me!!!!!!!!!! <____<

    4. Col.Random


      That was my second guess

      But good to hear c:

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