Hi all, I found something interesting and I've run into people who have had problems with some heads. And as I'm addicted to the game (even though the game is level 100) will always remember the problems I have posed these individuals ... but found a way to fight against them are simpler:
My deck is full of surprises for them, but my secret is based on the card 0 (CardBreak!): The curious effect of this letter is to briefly break any card of any value (yes, no matter whether it is a letter 9 or magic)
Even a single letter can break the ultimate combination Riku that executes (yes, that where no escape).
I had problems with Captain Hook as my deck remodel, complete a good number of cards 0 to this, just place them strategically (either a few at the beginning or end) and that will help!
I hope this help (I believe 100% that if), & that you like it
Have Fun, Ciao!