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Everything posted by Kittenz

  1. Wait Ruby got banned I thought he could keep both omlette and ruby xDD

    1. Frisk


      Nu I asked them to close the Ruby account so I could use this one, but as I did they explained I can only have one active but I wanted Ruby closed going in anyway so it worked out xD

    2. Kittenz


      oh...that makes sense xD

    3. Frisk


      Glad to clear that up xD

  2. *Joins so she can have the honor of being killed by Sora and Kairi*
  3. ''The biggest I've ever been'' *insert dick joke here*
  4. Filmed by BBC, Directed by michael bay
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15AcfBVt8jM I'm taller than alot of people my age and some people older but I look younger than them, and also taller than my 22 year old brother and my mum, but then other 20 year olds i meet are taller than me so im like wtf am I tall or not xDD
  6. Because females have little representation, or are represented as weak What do you mean? Gender is irrelevant to plot.
  7. http://www.gofundme.com/xwdjf78 He really needs more donations. Only six people have donated and he will die without it
  8. People were talking about maybe there being a light-based villain using light for bad in the next saga, maybe it could be a chick. I'm thinking looking a little bit like the female foretellers in chi in terms of appearance Edit: Maybe something a little bit like this:
  9. I agree, it would be a little silly, story wise, but gameplay wise, it would be kinda cool. Like how in BBS when you play as Aqua and fight Ventus when he is possessed by Vanitas.
  10. herewego..I know that, but it sounds like the same voice, anyway. It's obviously not confirmed. But comparing their voices it sound like the same guy, he just changes his voice slightly for eraqus but you can still tell it's him. Also I didn't source IMBD the person on tumblr did
  11. < thatnimoyfeel ;_; When you first hear his voice here I was like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5ta2IQXw-Q Yep..it's him...lmao... Compare 0:06 of this video with the end of the kh3 trailer when Young Eraqus speaks....
  12. I like her but I don't really care if she appears or not. I think her and some other new final fantasy characters-to KH- appearing would be cool
  13. You're my best friend.... so i'm gonna best you ◕ ‿ ◕✿ It's called a crush because I will literally crush you into the keyblade graveyard ◕ ‿ ◕✿ /shot ilovethatmysignatureisanexample 0:26, It would be like this
  14. Thanks. I made it from the KH3 trailer and dead fantasy videos. That would be easy to make
  15. I can make one if you'd like, I made the one in my signature myself. How big do you want it?
  16. I love the way you drew her, strong and beautiful
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