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Everything posted by Kittenz

  1. I should know this but I'm not quite sure about it.
  2. Not sure why I'm postin this thing but here, a doodle I made on kawaii box packaging when i got it yesterday, I was testing out a cat pen
  3. weed be loving posting le incesting gif ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. I was eating a soft choclate chip cookie and i had to sneese and i sneesed choclate o_O

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raXLFaJwo2o 0:16 - 0:32 I hate how accurate this is LMAO
  7. *opens zip* I'm scared *listens* ''blobblobblobblobblob blobblob *forms xemnas battle music-i forgot name-* DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  8. Someone spam Dchuich's moblie maybe he will wake up from his Aaron dream

  9. He is probably sleeping like butterfly with his mobile near him, unaware of the choas awaiting him when he wakes from his blissful dreams of Aaron
  10. Clearly my profile was too much and broke the website

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      It always is love wwwwww

  11. I love these guys but I haven't listened to many of their songs yet. They played in Australia recently, but I forget where. It was near me, though
  12. The same thing is happening to me but I thought it was my internet since skype was being dumb too Dchuich is probably trying to improve something and dun goofed
  13. Like this but with Roxas instead of Riku jkpacific ocean I sleep hugging my body pillow like a weaboo nerd imagining it ; w ; Or like this, but with either one cat, two puppies or one cat and two puppies
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