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Everything posted by Kittenz

  1. I watched kill la kill with my parents around and nothing happened
  2. Yes it's late but eh Traditional style
  3. ppl who thought sora was a girl haven't played enough jrpgs or watched anime hahah I used to have actual crushes on sora and kairi
  4. ONLY if it was Japanese actors I think the girl in the Japanese live action unchained ads would look great as Kairi or namine I know it sounds weeb but really, think about it...
  5. Not troll I'm just a firetruckign awkward unfunny piece of trash ;3;
  6. well, by worship i didn't mean worship, more like being a fan you'dbesurprisedhahahawelliguessit'smoreimfamousthanfamousbutstilww of course not as for the sora's body hair thing, there was a topic on here about it and oh man the shenangins I put too many things only long time members would remember
  7. This looks like it would have been alot of fun, all official princess, all princess of heart and others owo
  8. Has anyone wondered what kind of weed weedanort prefers?

    1. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Green weed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. Kittenz


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. Weedanort


      (How come I only saw this now)




      Brown Weed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


      Try to guess which variant is that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  9. > Join > lay low, occasionally post, try to make a good impression even though you won't care about that later > see how much you can get away with > chaos > Worship the kewl kidz just for existing, like all their posts > more chaos > Become famous for shitposting, being high all the time, etc > Decide to join site team > Realise your mistake as Dchuiches eyes haunt you in your dreams > Many years pass, watch as users you knew leave to complete their college degrees without being distracted by fresh memes and sora's body hair > Realise that this is a dating site > Leave yourself as you've had enough of other in the KH fandom or so you think > Come back as it seduces you with news and appeases your addiction
  10. I know that, I'm learning japanese. What you have told me is completely unnecessary, I was correcting the creator of this video who called a katakana name ''kanji'' I just don't remember if end of the world had it's name in kanji or something P.S Katakana isn't just used for that, it's also used for emphasis
  11. I think most worlds are in katakana but just in case they aren't https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19455-01/806-5582/images/fig3-3.gif
  12. swiggity swooty 2016's gonna be one big booty

    1. venxas24


      in a bad sense or good?

  13. I like kairis hair ... the keyblades are cool too
  14. I don't think it cheapens anything, cycles of life and death are common themes in asia. I personally think it's pretty feelsy I don't think having different voice actors doesn't necessarily disprove it either. Because, they can be very different people now to who they were then and having a different voice because of that, having a different body. Namine is kairi's nobody but has a different voice. It doesn't really mean anything because they could have a different voice and then Nomura confirms the theory in an interview or something. With her being a PoH, the PoH came to being after the true keyblade shattered, there's no reason why her heart could be an ordinary one then come to contain one of the shards after the world fell to darkness
  15. I know a few of them, if not all, have voiced characters in anime, but i don't know their names. With some research i could probably find them though
  16. Well gosoxtim, unlike you, I can speak Japanese and can tell apart their voices, they are new voices. GGDude, you're entitled to your opinion, but I personally think a cycle of life and death makes it more interesting and emotional, and it's a common theme in Japanese storytelling and spirituality. Heaven forbid a Japanese developer takes inspiration from their own culture /sarcasm
  17. they occasionally just gossiped tho, one of them asked the other guy what his type of girl was
  18. He asked him what type of girl he liked, schoolgirl? x'D show us games stop messing

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