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Pangoro "Sen"

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Everything posted by Pangoro "Sen"

  1. ...I really should get the game. I really should. Maybe I shall.
  2. This is the same exact idea that I had! Seriously, the .Hack franchise is amazing, and doesn't get nearly enough recognition. HD Collection, PSN release, I don't care! Just please Namco! Revive the franchise!
  3. Hello~! Is this where I post my death wish? I actually liked FFVIII and FFXIII. I don't like any of the Sonic games except for Sonic Adventure 1. All the rest just feel too broken, or they literally go too fast for me. I feel that Resident Evil is still a great franchise. Just because two games were bad doesn't mean a franchise is dead.(Same thing applies to Metroid) I feel that FFVI is overrated. In fact, it's actually my second least favorite main series FF, just before FFV. I was disappointed by A Link Between Worlds. I don't like Noctis, but I don't hate him either. I'll just wait until FFXV actually comes out. I don't mind the FF mobile phone ports. Games would be incredibly boring without music. This is exactly why I don't play Slender or Amnesia. Tales of the Abyss is my least favorite Tales game. Finally, I feel that the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games don't get enough attention. . Despite this, I actually despise Gates to Infinity.
  4. I would definitely like to see a Gen III remake. Seeing all of Hoenn in beautiful 3D would be amazing, and it'd be a nice way to get new players into old generations, much like the Gen I and II remakes. However, the chances of a Gen III remake are actually substantially lower, particularly because Gen I and II were originally remade because, without the remakes, the Pokedex would literally be impossible to complete. You can still transfer your Pokemon all the way from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, just by making your way up generations. Nonetheless, we can probably expect a Gen III remake at some point. Maybe not in 2014, but definitely sometime in the future.
  5. The moral of the story... Postal 2 makes everything better. Even when it really shouldn't.
  6. I should stop listening to PMD2 music. But it's so good...but it's so sad...And just... ;_;

    1. Soul Eater Evans
    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      @Soul I couldn't agree more. Everything about it was just amazing! A little difficult...okay, a lot difficult, but still a very good game! But that ending...it just leaves me in tears, man! Especially with the accompanying music. Just... ;_;

    3. Shulk


      PMD2's easily in my top 10 DS games. It's... a masterpiece. Simple as that.

  7. Is there going to be a video of this? If so, I'd really like to see that, because I don't think I can make it to Florida.
  8. "Well, I guess you could use the word 'funny'," Ralts said. "It's more like a 'how does he do it?' if you ask me..." Croagunk said, sighing. ((And now every time I think of Houndoom, I think of your new dog. Mission accomplished, Blaxel. Mission accomplished.))
  9. I am led to believe that Sho Minamimoto's favorite Pokemon is Illumise.

    1. Shulk


      It's a tie between Plusle and Minun. :P And Garbodor.

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Nah, I'm pretty sure any Pokemon whose dex number is 314 would be any math nerd's favorite.

    3. Shulk


      Four way tie?

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  10. Part of me feels like I need to turn over a New Leaf.
  11. I'm pretty sure a²+b² doesn't equal c². I'm pretty sure it's a²+b²=ab²². Guess it's just me, though.

    1. Xiro



      *goes out to buy a Kindle*

    2. King Demise

      King Demise

      Pythagorean theorem says it does

    3. Pangoro "Sen"
    4. Show next comments  87 more
  12. KH taught me that even someone you think is pure can have a bad side to them. Oh, and ships can run off of smiles, apparently.
  13. I've played both, and personally, I'd go with XIII-2. Especially if you liked the original XIII.
  14. Hey, look, I pulled two Mythics out of the new Born of the Gods set... #OnlyPokemonthatplaysMagic2014

    1. Xiro


      Really? I thought Magic was quite popular among Pokemon.

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      If you mean like Harry Potter kinda magic, then yes, very much so. The trading card game, however, not so much. I assume it's be because most Pokemon aren't exposed to human stuff as often as I am. Ah well.

  15. "ThedefensemechanismbythewayIheardthatHoundoomisusedinonly..." Stunky said, speaking incredibly fast. While nobody else really paid and mind, the Feraligatr seemed intrigued, nodding in acknowledgement. "How does one even comprehend anything talking this fast?" Ralts asked in a questioning way. "Just ignore him," Croagunk said, standing right next to Ralts, "this doesn't concern you anyways. Why should you pay any mind?" Ralts jumped a little at the sudden appearance of Croagunk. "H-huh? Oh, yeah, right, I guess..."
  16. Take all of my yes! Of course, then there's the Soul Eater Not! anime that's coming June 1st(From what I've heard, anyways). So if we do get a new Soul Eater anime, it'll most likely start development soon after Not! is released.
  17. (Please note, the following story is out of character, and names have been changed to protect identities. Thank you for understanding!) So I wound up on the bus after school, and the bus was crowded. As a result, someone I didn't know sat next to me, which I was fine with. She was in fifth grade, her name was Sasha, and she was black. After a while of being on the bus, a bunch of kids started calling out racial slurs to each other, but not to her specifically. I was trying to ignore them, while Sasha pulled out a notepad and started writing. I ignored it at first, but noticed what she was writing. I read the following message... "Hey, look! Sasha died! Haha! Yaay!" She then scribbled out the message, as if she wanted nobody to see it. That's when I realized that these racial slurs were affecting her on an emotional level. Before I had any chance to help, she got off at her stop. This moment alone makes me pissed at people who just blurt stuff out like that. So please remember that if you're going to say any racial slurs, please be sure that the people you're saying it around are perfectly fine with what you're saying.
  18. Never played Dark Moon, so I wouldn't know in that regard. Mario Kart 7 is alright, but I tend to not play it as much as other games. New Leaf, however, is amazing! All Animal Crossing games are, in fact. If you tried explaining the game to someone, it might turn them off, but even then, the amount of fun you'll have with this game is, simply put, amazing.
  19. Seeing as how I'm a fan of both Xillia and Days, this makes the inner fanboy of my entire being scream with excitement!
  20. How'd I even come up with "The Mod Squad" in the first place...? I think I heard it from somewhere else, but I dunno...

    1. Anonn0000


      Im amazed sora96 didnt get on the list lol xD

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      The way I see it, he's also part of The Mod Squad. If not that, then he's more of a coach. Making DC the director or whatever.

    3. Anonn0000


      My riku plushie should be kh13's mascott lol



  21. Challenge accepted. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/69947-the-official-mascot-of-kh13/
  22. So, this is basically just seeing who you guys think makes a good mascot for KH13. I put myself, a friend who claims he's the #1 mascot, The Mod Squad(All the mods of KH13), and three actual KH characters, Sora, Riku, and Roxas. Vote away!
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