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Pangoro "Sen"

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Everything posted by Pangoro "Sen"

  1. Advisor? Uh...1 2 3 Not It! Seriously, couldn't do something like that for my life. My timezone is to different from everybody else's.
  2. Time to Chronicle the journeys of a young Valkyrian woman.
  3. Recently picked up Valkyria Chronicles. And all I have to say is...more people should get this game.

  4. Pack your pins, boys(and girls)! We're going to Shibuya!

    1. Cucco


      shut your mouth za is our ruler

    2. Jim


      The supreme OgreLord does not appreciate your blasphemy.

    3. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      ...fine then have it your way.*quietly sulks in the corner*

  7. ...That is scarily accurate to what I had in mind.
  8. Name: Cid Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: A bit taller than the average 14-year old, longish brown hair, green eyes, green jacket over a black t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Personality: Despite his usually caring and optimistic nature, he can be a bit...weird. He can say strange stuff, act a bit weirdly, stuff like that. Yet all at once, he's very diligent, and tries to lead a normal life...as normal as he can, anyways. Bio: Growing up, he didn't have too many friends; not that he minded. For quite a while, he spent most of his free time within the solace of his imagination. Soon after he learned he could wield the Keyblade, he decided he would try to learn the ways of wielding it, which caused him to apply for one of the Keyblade Academies. He now practices his Keyblade skills, socializes, and tries various other things the average student would do. Keyblade: Madness of the Dragon(Think the Fatal Crest from KHII, except with googly eyes and a black tone rather than a gray one.) Spell: Thunder Light/Dark: Dark
  9. Happy Sho Minamimoto Day, everybody!

    1. Shulk


      All these factoring hectopascals had better celebrate this holiday.

    2. Moochieh32


      You zetta sons of digits- why you late to the party? You're so zetta slow!

    3. Kaneki Ken

      Kaneki Ken

      Mother of all Digits. I completely forgotten that today is Pi-Face day. I'm in zetta trouble.

  10. Happy Sho Minamimoto Day, Blaxel-senpai! (I don't care that you got a name change. I'll still be calling you Blaxel.)

    1. Shulk


      I'm not the only one who was calling it Sho day. xD Happy Sho day! (I think most people still call me "Axel" anyway. xD)

  11. Oh hey look, I'm back from Hiatus. And how I've missed you all! Now let's get this party started!

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Yay- Pangoro is back! ^0^

  12. Kay guys, I haven't been online for a while, and I didn't really give any forewarning to that, so...yeah. I guess better now than never, I'll be going on hiatus for a while for personal reasons. I'll see you guys whenever I get back around!

    1. DaxtotheMax


      D: see you when you get back

    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Good luck Pangoro! ^^

  13. I'd vote yes, but because of the wording, I chose not to vote. I bought both my PSP and my 3DS to play the KH games. I then wound up getting a ton of other games, thus making me use them even more.
  14. I went through so much trouble to get A Realm Reborn, and lemme just say...it was worth it!

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      I'm glad you like it! ^^

  15. I got A Realm Reborn. I boot it up. It wants me to give my Square Enix account. I proceeded to do so. I notice it wants my "One Time Password", which I need either a special password, or a certain app to get it. I don't wanna get the keychain, so I boot up my iPod's appstore and go to the app. The app is free. I click on the download button. It requires my dad's password. My dad is currently asleep, and I don't know the password. ...AAAAAARGH!
  16. I decided on playing all the KH games in chronological order after getting 1.5, 2.5, and Re:Coded. So basically, KHBBS, KHI, KH358/2 Days, KH Re:CoM, KHII, KH Re:Coded, and KH3D. Sounds like a plan, replaying through basically all of them...

    1. MasterRoxas13


      yea I am going to do the same thing after I get 2.5 and 3D

    2. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando

      I'll try to 100% KH2 Final Mix and get all trophies for it.As for Birth by Sleep,I'll play with Terra only as he's gonna be my main character in the Mirage Arena in case they added online

    3. Shulk


      I'd love to do that myself, but my copy of Days is being borrowed and I haven't seen the guy I let borrow it in almost two years now... I might just have to watch the cutscenes for that one. :/ At least I won't have to deal with the repetitive missions. The only downside will be the story bosses...

  17. I mostly agree with this list. Though Mario Kart 8 is questionable to me, and I don't think I ever want New Love Plus+. Though Persona 5, FFXV, KHIII, and Tales of Zestiria definitely would make it onto my list!
  18. It's snowing quite hard outside...*sips some hot cocoa*

    1. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      haha!! oh my. lol well enjoy the hot chocolate

    2. Shulk


      I wish it didn't exist it's so horrible. ;_;

    3. WakingDawn96


      Which Pokemon is using blizzard now?

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  19. ...I take offense to Pokemon pickup lines/sexual references. This is no exception.
  20. Aww yeah, getting A Realm Reborn this Friday!

  21. I'm pretty good at KH games. A lot better than my friends, that's for sure...
  22. ((Yeah, pretty sure that isn't normal. And it's especially bad to smoke at a young age. This actually reminds me of the time back in school when all the kids were smoking Smarties by crushing them, opening one end of the wrapper a bit, inhaling, and exhaling. So many kids were doing it, that the school seriously banned Smarties. Kids these days, am I right?))
  23. So later on this week, I plan on purchasing A Realm Reborn. And I was wondering if anyone was perhaps interested in maybe partying up in the game sometime. Not sure which race I'll start as, and I'm still thinking on the class, but I do know that I'll use the name Senchi(or something close to it), and I'll be playing on North American servers. Hope to see some of you guys in Eorzea!
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