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Pangoro "Sen"

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Everything posted by Pangoro "Sen"

  1. "Well, no promises on the hurling, but I assure you, it definitely won't be my fault!" He says, as he jumps into the captain's seat, looking over everything that he should be looking over. "Lessee here...check...check...check..." He begins doing this over and over...
  2. "You got it! One Super-Mega-Ultra-Deluxe-Octuple Aileron Roll will be waiting for you upon your drowsiness!" He says jokingly, laughing just as well.
  3. "So you really think I'd make a good pilot? Welp, alright! Those who wish to make me captain, say aye!"
  4. "Yeah? Cool. Maybe I'm like one of those Cids. Who knows? All I know is that if nobody else is gonna be pilot, then I'm driving!" He said, as he got off the ship and made his way inside of it.
  5. "I've been in one with my dad. And I've played a few of them flying simulators. The real deal however is a no go for me. What, did you expect me to be the greatest pilot ever like every single other man named Cid?" Cid said in a joking manner.
  6. Final Fantasy XIII, The Last of Us, and(a bit obvious but eh) Viewtiful Joe.
  7. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, SPRING BREAK! WOOHOO! Now, time to do absolutely nothing for a week and a half!

  8. ...It's beautiful! Seriously, this would actually fit VERY well!
  9. Cid looked up at the Highwind and started approaching it. "Ooooooh~! Gummi ship! I volunteer as captain!" He says that as he rushes up to it, and jumps onto the top of it. He summons his Keyblade, makes a heroic-esque pose, and says, "Yarr! I be Kapp'n Cid, of the legendary Highwind!"
  10. I've been around for a good year and a couple months. Those were some good times, if I may say!
  11. In all seriousness though, this game should be pulled down from the market, and worked on so that it actually has story and so that it's MUCH longer. It's a shame that the video game market doesn't work like that...
  12. Subbed. I actually have some hearing problems, so some words that they say in dubbed anime becomes jibberish. Because of that, I can read the subs just fine...in fact, I make very few exceptions to this. SAO, for instance...
  13. All of this and more could be yours for the low low price of nothing! Now go play A Realm Reborn! It's much better!
  14. ...Yes. Please. Namco, please don't let the franchise die. You can do this.
  15. Cid shook Raidyn and Joel's hands, returned the wave to Indy, and gave an acknowledging smile to Toshi and Lucas. "Nice to meetcha all! I'm Cid, the academy's self-proclaimed crazy person!" He smiles as he says that sentence in a strangely proud tone. "So, whaddya guys think we were called down here for? Some ultra-crazy-mega-difficult quest, or something?" ((Also, sorry Firaga! It honestly looked like your characters weren't being ignored anymore. I dunno, must've just been me.))
  16. After a while of watching everyone interact, Cid decided that he should get in on the fun, too. However, he still had that feeling that something bad would happen if he started the conversation. So, he decided that it'd be best if he just approached someone. So he decidedly decided to walk up to the first person he saw, in this case, Joel, and simply stood next to him, silent. "..."
  17. So I left Cid available for anyone to start a conversation with him. Now his Sneak skill is maxing out. I should do something about it, but I have no clue who to have Cid talk to...for the funniest interactions, anyways. If anybody would care to help...?
  18. ...I hate my timezone...

  19. Actually, from what I hear, it's way too hard. Like, unfair hard.
  20. I personally love Blitz Ball. I'd love an entire game based around it. ... Oh wait, that exists. Inazuma Eleven.
  21. "Now firmly grasp it in your hands...fiiiirmly grasp it...FIRMLY GRASP IT!!!"

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      OH the jellyfish net!! :O

      Didn't he tear it through Squidward's hand or something? xDx

    2. aliyarocksyoursocks123


      Yes he did xD Best Spongebob moment ever

    3. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      It's been so long- it took me like 10 minutes to place the quote xD

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  22. You know a movie I should watch? Summer Wars.

  23. The masochist in me says that this is beautiful.
  24. Cid made his way down the hall after getting the message that he'd been called to the hangar. However, he was simply taking his time, clearly thinking that it wasn't TOO urgent. After a while, he made his way to the hangar, and to his surprise, there wasn't even a teacher or anyone of the sorts, only students. "Sheesh...Maybe I should've taken more time to chillax..." He leaned against a wall close to the doorway, and plugged in some headphones. "Might as well get back to what I was doing..." He started playing his tunes, bopping his head to the music. Normally, he'd be talking to people, but today seemed...different to him. Like, he shouldn't start conversation. Then again, he gets weird feelings like that all the time. ((I swear, Cid's Sneak skill is stupidly high at the moment.))
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