Cid made his way down the hall after getting the message that he'd been called to the hangar. However, he was simply taking his time, clearly thinking that it wasn't TOO urgent. After a while, he made his way to the hangar, and to his surprise, there wasn't even a teacher or anyone of the sorts, only students. "Sheesh...Maybe I should've taken more time to chillax..." He leaned against a wall close to the doorway, and plugged in some headphones. "Might as well get back to what I was doing..." He started playing his tunes, bopping his head to the music. Normally, he'd be talking to people, but today seemed...different to him. Like, he shouldn't start conversation. Then again, he gets weird feelings like that all the time.
((I swear, Cid's Sneak skill is stupidly high at the moment.))