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Pangoro "Sen"

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Everything posted by Pangoro "Sen"

  1. Name: Yu Narukami Age: 19 Appearance: http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Yu_Narukami?file=Yu_Narukami_render.png (Due to the circumstances I'm put in for use of the internet, this is the best I could do. It should still suffice though.) Series: Persona 4 The Animation Personality: Yu is level-headed, calm, friendly, helpful, and basically everything else that makes a good kid good; which makes it especially odd-sounding when he makes a perverted comment in a monotone voice. Bio: Yu Narukami spent an entire year in the small Japanese town of Inaba, where he has made tons of friends, harnessed the power of the Persona, and saved people from a strange TV world. As such, he's quite used to the paranormal. Now more grown up, he spent his life as he normally would. Going to college, hanging out with friends, etc.. However, it seems destiny had something else in mind for him. Abilities: Izanagi Persona: Yu summons his default Persona, Izanagi, to do combat for him. He has the looks of a strong, masked, sword-wielding warrior. Jack Frost Persona: Yu summons a Persona he's acquired on his journeys, Jack Frost, to do combat for him. He has the looks of a young snowman with a blue hat and blue shoes. He fights with magic. Two-handed Sword: A sword that he used in the TV world. Acquired from Inaba's smithy. Alliance: Good
  2. Blaxel, if you were thinking what Spidey is thinking, then I'm thinking differently. I meant more like the Danganronpa anime or the BlazBlue anime.
  3. Question: Can we do a character from an anime based off of a video game?
  4. "Aye, that we arrrrrrr! Location set! Next stop: Twilight Town! Highwind to Overwatch, we're heading out!" With a flick of a switch, the engine started up, and the gummi ship started hovering. "Everyone please remember to keep yourselves buckled and seated while in life off, and to have your smiles turned on at all times!" And with that, the ship burst out of the garage, and into outer space. "Aaaaand that's that! Finally off of Radiant Garden!"
  5. With me being 1/3 of this, I approve of this hybrid!
  6. If you guys have never played Xenoblade, then you do not know the awesome that is...Heropon Riki!

    1. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      I KNOW RIGHT!?


      ...Just in case you weren't serious about this, I seriously love the little guy. He's frickin' adorable.

    2. Shulk


      I like him, but he's not one of my favorites. xD Shulk's probably my favorite Xenoblade character.

    3. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Oh of course. EVERYBODY goes for the main character...okay, being serious, yes, I like Shulk quite a bit. It's just that I tend to be drawn to cute characters. Hence why I love Riki.


      Also the fact that he has the second-highest HP value of all the characters for being such a little guy.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  7. I know your pain. I have way too many games that I need to finish as well...I should be getting around to that. Allow me to start with the longer game!*Resumes playing Xenoblade*
  8. All I know it's this... EB was recently released for Wii U VC They're adding GBA games to the VC Mother 3/Earthbound 2 is a GBA title ...Please oh please may these wild dreams of mine come true for an official English Mother 3!
  9. You all have no idea how painful it is to burp and have a combination of Orange Soda and Pizza come up your throat and come into your nose like I'm dead serious.

    1. moogleman


      GROSS!! Yuck!


    2. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister

      You don't know the feeling of airheads going up your nose and coming out. IT BURNS

  10. Well, in terms of the first episode of an anime that I've ever watched, that'd be Pokemon or Yugioh. In terms of the first anime that actually got me into anime/first anime I've ever watched completely, then that'd be Soul Eater.
  11. ...You'd have to think what would actually happen to the franchises Capcom owns. Resident Evil, Dead Rising, Monster Hunter, Phoenix Wright...all mostly under Disney's control. Just let that sink in for a bit.
  12. You clearly have never played FFXIII-2, firstly. Secondly, you should also have better means of persuasion if you want us to sign that position.
  13. Yeah, but I still don't see why anybody would actually pay to play the game in a different language, especially one that isn't their native language. I mean, I could definitely see it as free DLC, but I'm not gonna cough up money to add a language I'm not familiar with.
  14. So my friend is letting me borrow the Ratchet and Clank Collection until I beat the games. Now I can understand...Uh...something? I get to play great games for free. Let's go with that.

  15. Or an even better question... Who would even WANT to download a Japanese voiceover? Not like I'd understand it. Or is it the fact that people would be desperate enough to find some way to deal with the English voices?
  16. I wanna go to Anime Boston sooooooo bad. Ah well. I guess I can wait until I get enough money to go.
  17. Well then...Uh...good to know...?
  18. I've got my Wii PS2, and DS Lite, and the family uses the Xbox and N64. Other than that, most of our systems wind up getting sold.
  19. Cid heard the voice and pressed the talk button, "Dude, enough with the official-sounding lingo. Nobody gets it. Except me, Kapp'n Cid! Also, yeah, I'm done with the checking of stuff. Just waiting for everybody else to make sure they're ready!" Cid says this as he reclines in his chair, waiting for everybody else.
  20. Cid looked up at Somrene. "Co-Pilot? Sure...if you feel up to it, that is! You have experience with this kind of stuff, or something?" Cid went back to checking over everything, before saying to himself, "Lessee...anything I missed..."
  21. For a bit of explanation on these, I always see myself like the protagonist and I've been friends since childhood, later becoming rivals.And now that that's done... 1. "I'll give you my full power...only because you are my friend." 2. A location that we spent a lot of time going to when we were younger. 3. "Meaning of Birth"(Tales of the Abyss)(Sorry, but can't exactly pull up the video at the moment)
  22. Recently picked up Valkyria Chronicles and I just bought The World Ends With You Solo Remix off the app store...Just to see what it's like.
  23. Ah...D&D, how I love thee!

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