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Pangoro "Sen"

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Everything posted by Pangoro "Sen"

  1. "Hey, I be the Kapp'n of this here crew! Yarr!" Cid follows the two, a joking smile streaked across his face; but then again, when ISN'T a while on his face?
  2. Wanna know when you've been around too much Japanese? When you almost always read sake(say-kuh) as sake(sah-kay).

    1. Javelin434


      As in the alcohol? Yeah, I get where you're coming from xD

    2. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      hahahha ohh no!

  3. (Debating wether or not to keep up that mistake you made for the sake of having it up there...)
  4. (The post has been edited. My job here is done.)
  5. I just love how DQX was doing so terribly at launch, and then it was all like "Suddenly, FANBASE!". I wish there were more games that would do that...
  6. Auron. He's awesome. He's a great swordsman, actually understands what's going on, and has an awesome look. Plus everyone else was just 'meh' at best. Though I do find Tidus to be quite underrated...
  7. After making sure everything was good, he followed Indy in leaving. "I dunno. We probably just look around and find hints about those Light guys or whatever they were called. Maybe slay some Heartless along the way. Something like that." He looked around as well, taking in the view. "Ah...Twilight Town...twilight...the perfect mixture of Light and Darkness! The two conflicting with each other in perfect harmony! 'Tis a beautiful thing!"
  8. Pizza. (...I dunno. I have a weird mindset.)
  9. Tidus (Oh hey I'm liking this game already!)
  10. "Ooooh, goody! Alright, getting ready!" Cid readied everything that needed to be ready for landing. "Alright guys! Landing in an estimate of five minutes! Next stop: Twilight Town!"
  11. "Throw people off the ship, eh? That's actually not a bad idea..." Cid seemed to take Somrene's suggestion seriously. He pondered for a moment before speaking. "Nah, I don't think that's a good idea. The higher-ups would be pissed~!" Cid spoke in a somewhat lighthearted tone of voice before looking back out into the vast sea of stars and planets.
  12. Have you ever felt that your brain has ideas that are nothing but potential?

    1. Emrys


      all the time.

  13. Cid noticed the ship zoom off of the radar, and he made an educated guess as to the reason. "Brooklyn, you just sped your ship right up to Twilight Town, didn't you? Well, guess that's no problem! We'll Seeya there!" He stopped the voice, and looked around on the control panels. "Lessee here...any kind of stuff like that thing Brooklyn did...?"
  14. Cid turned the voice back on in response to the message. "Aye Aye!" He then messed with the frequencies a bit to match Brooklyn's ship radio. "Yo, Brooklyn, this you? This is the Highwind! Do you copy?"
  15. Pangoro "Sen"

    My next RP

    To give full honesty, I'm not familiar with Gundam at all. However, I'm very familiar with Yu-Gi-Oh, and should be able to pick up on it fairly quickly, despite a couple of years of barely touching it.
  16. That awkward moment when a friend is trying to think up a name for a male Kangaskhan...

  17. If I may speak for probably all of us. If you could, could you not post unrelated stuff onto here? Either apply, or don't make any more posts like this on this thread. All of this has been said meaning no offense.
  18. Cid heard the radio sound, and instantly answered. "This is Highwind, ship is flying ay-okay! Nothing that can kill us, really. Unless those space-Heartless come and attack...not saying that's unlikely, either. We'll be on our guard, Ms. de Wynter!" He turned off the voice for a second, and set the ship into auto pilot. He turned to the crew and spoke, "So guys! This is an important mission! One that will be dangerous, and could very well end our lives...who's excited!?"
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