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Pangoro "Sen"

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Everything posted by Pangoro "Sen"

  1. Starting tomorrow I'll be camping over the weekend. See you guys on Sunday/Monday!

    1. Shulk


      See you later.

    2. Moochieh32


      Have a good time Pangoro :)

  2. Everything from both TWEWY and Persona 4. And most of the tracks from Shadow of the Colossus.
  3. ...Pokémon...Art Academy...Nintendo you glorious people, just...You're gonna take all my money!

    1. Shulk


      I'm already broke, but dangit, they're releasing so much good stuff this year...

  4. http://ask.fm/MonochromePangoro Yup. Gave into peer pressure. Sue me. Besides, this will probably be fun!
    1. Shulk


      I've had my account for like an hour now and have already received a lot of... interesting questions. xD

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Clearly. But to be fair, it was like that for my Tumblr as well, at first. I just ignored them.

    3. Shulk


      I'm just being more sarcastic about them. ._.

  5. Eh. Decided to make one to see how well I'd enjoy it. http://ask.fm/MonochromePangoro
  6. You know, I'm surprised how well Art Academy's lessons work out! I feel like I've improved so much in just a few short days!

    1. Daniel Black

      Daniel Black

      Alright then :D Remember Anatomy as the basics xD

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Oh yeah, I think I can do that...Just need to remember what I learned in Science class...And maybe look at some pictures for reference...maybe some other stuff...

    3. Shulk


      I got the Wii U version, I'm disappointed that they still don't have the lessons for it yet. I mean, I can still draw... decent-ish stuff with it, but the lessons would be nice. :/

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  7. EVERYTHING is weirder? Yeah, maybe a lot of things, but certainly not everything. Even in terms of commercials. Have you even seen our Super Bowl commercials?
  8. ...So I'm no longer single anymore...huh...never thought this would happen so early in my life...

    1. Shulk


      Whoa, dang. Kids keep getting em younger and younger these days... Er... not that I'm still alone myself... Er... Yeah... Totally not...

      Anyway, congratulations. :D

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Thanks. And more importantly, you say that as though you're, like, 30 or 40. Sheesh, you're not THAT old...You're only, like, 2 or so years older than me.

    3. Shulk


      No problem. :D

      Back in my day... Uh... My grampa impression's failing me. >_<

  9. I'd make a reference to Persona 4, but I'd like to make this somewhat serious. I've grown up with not a lot of friends, mainly because of my interests. Part of me kinda wanted to change who I was, just so I could fit in. But I didn't. Because I would've hated that. I didn't want to play sports. I wanted to watch anime. I didn't want to play CoD. I wanted to play TF2. If I completely changed myself, I'd never appreciate myself. I'm also accepting of new things about myself all the time. For example, I recently came to the realization that I'm bisexual. I thought that even more people would hate me, but you know what? They didn't mind. They supported it. I came to accept myself and, as a result, enjoyed my life a little more by flushing my worries down the drain. So all in all, just look to the title of this thread. Enjoy who you are. Be proud of it.
  10. Katamari Damacy. Weird controls. Very weird. But get used to them and the game is amazing! Same with Shadow of the Colossus. And Luigi's Mansion.
  11. Totally joining this club! Seriously, this guy is hilarious!
  12. So, yes, I'm excited for this game now. And yes, I don't have a Vita at the moment. But you know what? I don't mind getting a Vita for this game. Why? Because I was planning on getting a Vita even before this game was announced. The Vita is actually developing quite the nice library of games. From games that have been around for a while, such as Persona 4 Golden and Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention, to games that have relatively recently come out, such as Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc and Tearaway. Not only that, but the Vita is also still getting what appear to be awesome games, such as Freedom Wars, and the mentioned-above SAO: Hollow Fragment. So...Yeah...I'll be getting a Vita soon here. And if you don't, then simply put, you're kinda missing out.
  13. I believe your original interpretation is correct, yet it could potentially not be the case. While never actually discussed, many people consider it canonical, and I'm pretty sure she's not exactly transgender. It's kinda like Kanji's case. Most people assume he's actually gay/bisexual or whatever, despite the fact that it's never been brought up as being canonical. In both cases, this can be easily seen while progressing through their Social Links. So, to sum it up, I'm on your side with this, but we still can't be certain! Oh, also, not quite sure if this is how it works, but I'll still try my best with this. If Naoto truly was transgender, then (s)he would technically be gay, provided that the preferred gender was introduced. This can be proved simply by the fact that you(as the main character) and Naoto can date. So, yeah...again, not sure if that's quite how it works, but at least I tried to give my best explanation to that side of the story! Hope some of this was helpful in some way!
  14. I also couldn't live my life if Pokémon didn't exist! ...Wait a minute...
  15. So my parents get my bro and me small gifts on Easter. Today, I got a $10 PS Store card and a $20 e-Shop gift card. I already used the e-Shop card(Metroid Fusion and Superstar Saga), so what should I get with the PS money?

    1. Isaix


      If you like Metroid Fusion then you should buy Castlevania Symphony of the Night

    2. Danex Darkfire +

      Danex Darkfire +

      Most final fantasy games on the psn store are only $10

    3. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      @Vex I don't really care for DLC, mainly because I don't really have any games that utilize it, other than FFXIII-2 and Skyrim.


      @Isaix I actually already have SotN! One of my favorite games of all time!


      @Danex I actually already have all the FF games available on the PSN, save for a few that I don't care too much about.


      @Christopher I actually wound up getting this game! I needed to replace the copy I originally had, so yeah! Thanks...

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  16. So my parents just came in and surprised me with a copy of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze...Sweet!

    1. Isaix
    2. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando

      Enjoy it ^_^



    3. Shulk


      Oh dang, my brother got that one for his birthday. We haven't had much time to play it, but it's amazing.

      (Also, by the way, Dixie is the most overpowered partner in the whole game.)

  17. My brother is in another one of his CoD moods...Just when I was getting back into Castlevania SotN. And I can only play it on the PS3. Which is where my bro plays his CoD...*sigh*

    1. Skhyatze


      Blows my mind that people can still play that game when the last 3 games were just complete disasters

    2. Philip Ellwell
    3. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      @Skhyatze Yeah, it baffles me as well.


      @Jack Call of Duty.

  18. ...Yup. It's official. I'm going to get a PSVita!
  19. Yeah, basically this. Even as Masquerain, they're terrible. -1/10 DO NOT USE!
  20. Yeah, I'll also admit, the series did have its flaws. For example, 358/2 Days. Despite the fact that I'll always love this game, even I can admit that the combat was simply way too simplified. Or (Re:) Coded's lack of a story until the near end of the game. So yeah, the fanboys/fangirls have no right to say that the series is perfect.
  21. So I learned somewhat recently that TWEWY is rated A in Japan. I thought it was because of a bunch of sexual stuff. Then I learned that it was rated by CERO. That game isn't A for Adults. It's A for ANYBODY!

    1. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      what is a B or C for?

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Well, here's how it is. A=Anyone. B=12+. C=15+. D=17+. E=18+. Don't ask questions. I don't know them.

    3. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      ahhh okay I have one that like B and another that's C

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  22. Dangit you took mine... F is for friends who do stuff together! U is for you and me! N is for anywhere and anytime at all! Down here in the deep blue sea!
  23. "We need the ASAP, as soon as possible!"

  24. Yeah, I'm gonna do repeated Wonder Trading. I just got a 4 IV Protean Froakie. And a bunch of other perfect IV Pokemon. Welp. Seeya guys in like a week or two!(loljk)

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