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Pangoro "Sen"

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Pangoro "Sen" last won the day on January 8 2016

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About Pangoro "Sen"

  • Birthday January 7

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  1. I know that a lot of people love indie games, but right now, the whole indie scene is a mess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hargleblargleboo


      Yeah... I dunno what's going on... Sure, a few of them are good, but the majority?... Ehhh...

    3. Skai


      Indies are all about taking risks and thinking outside the box to sell their games, which big studios can't do, so it's not surprising that it may be a mess since it's usually a hit or miss.

    4. Shulk


      To be honest, it's always had ups and downs. I've come to appreciate the indie scene much more in recent years thanks to games like Cave Story (Which I was late to) and Shovel Knight, but there's always been that whole "All indie games must be hardcore platformers" thing.

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