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Pangoro "Sen"

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Pangoro "Sen" last won the day on January 8 2016

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About Pangoro "Sen"

  • Birthday January 7

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  1. So a vid was put up on the official U.S. Playstation YT channel of Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. As excited as I am for it to come out, I have to say that the video itself is...awkward. Like, that is NOT the music that should be playing.

    1. Shulk


      I got the Steam version of that recently, but it was super buggy... I'm guessing that Remastered is on PS4? I might have to look into getting that over a PS3 copy...

    2. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Yeah, the PS3 version is SO much better than the Steam version. Though I'm not sure if I'll pick it up for the PS4. I'm gonna wait a while after release before deciding to pick it up or not. If it has a bunch of new features or whatever, I'll get the Remaster. If it's just a port, I'll stick to my copy on the PS3.

    3. Shulk


      I'll take any version that doesn't crash after I spend half an hour organizing my troops... If they don't add much to the remastered version, I might just get it on PS3 since it's cheaper.

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