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Everything posted by Grotesquery

  1. GCPM11 hacks most of these high-level battles. I wouldn't take them too seriously.
  2. Why is Xenoblade Chronicles so dang expensive?

    1. FireRubies1


      I saw this new copy of FF VIII on Amazon that was selling for $500


    2. OthersiderME


      @Hei Ignore PDS temporarily. Get Plasma Sword.

    3. Hei


      If I can find a complete copy for a decent price, then I shall buy that game.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  3. Especially that box art. *Shudders* It's terrifying...
  4. Ah well. I can understand why, she's not really the most popular character around here. Regardless, she'll probably still have a minor roll in the actual game. Unless people REALLY don't want that, then I'll write her out.
  5. Good to see there are others on here that appreciate his videos too.
  6. "It isn't wrong to copy something. It only becomes a problem when you don't know what made it successful in the first place." ~Archimedies123
  7. Well, Kingdom Hearts might just be trying something different. Even if its not as epic or grandiose as other mmo's, that doesn't mean it won't be fun. Although, I do agree with you on one point. It shouldn't be about the Keyblade War. I mean, come on. When I think of something as hyped up as the Keyblade War, this game is the LAST thing that would ever come to my mind.
  8. It's a very beloved game for a lot of reasons. Even if it does look a bit strange by today's standards, many people can still find several things to love about it. The music, the battle system, and even the story. All of these things can be put before "how the game looks"; and to some people, the games look might not even be that important.
  9. This dude is beyond genius. Literally every episode has made me laugh in some way shape or form.
  10. I think I'll go outside.

    1. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      NO THE SUN





      loljk have fun cB

    2. AnsemTheWise


      Why?! Nature's dirty, and it kills people. You're much safer on KH13... oddly enough.

  11. FIRST you get the money. THEN you get the power. THEN you get the trading cards.

    1. Silent


      then the bitches?

    2. FlowofLove


      then the bitches.

    3. Weiss


      world domination in a nutshell

  12. I am at a loss for words. Truly, no word can accurately portray how I feel for this blarg. It is beyond compare. Even more so; it is the blarg that all other blargs shall be compared to. Far beyond this time, when our era has faded away, when they speak of the legendary tales of ages past, the small child will look up to his father and ask, "Can you please read me Beauty and the Blarg? That one's my favorite!" Yes, that's right. It is on a timeless level that cannot be matched; to be placed on the pedestals of blarg, alongside all other champions of blarg who have proved their blargness a thousand times over. That is it. The perfect blarg. May it's tale live on in history forevermore!
  13. Square Enix, you tease.

  14. Bam. Knew I was gonna see something like this. I mean, come on. This is a thread starring adorable hedgehogs, and it wasn't even made by the hedgehog army.
  15. His birthday should have been April 1st.
  16. We still haven't decided on that. All that is for sure is that both of them will be playable.
  17. It looks like Xemnas if he took evil glare lessons from Aizen. In other words, awesome.
  18. Give me a second to find my socks that just blew off.
  19. The direction up is just an illusion. Like pants.
  20. When Kingdom Hearts III comes out. Then you'll have to wait another year for the localization. So yeah, never.
  21. Bam. Knew it was gonna be Nostalgia Critic. As for what he said, I agree with pretty much everything. Twilight is really nothing more than a terribly written story that doesn't deserve to be remembered. Pretty soon, another "Worst Thing Ever" will take it's place, and we'll treat it much the same. There will always be something like Twilight; but take comfort in knowing that it too will eventually die.
  22. When did he say this? Can someone give me a link or something?
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