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Everything posted by Grotesquery

  1. Ansem stated at the end of Birth By Sleep that it had been a year or more since he had seen Sora, the last time being at the end of Kingdom Hearts II. Since Sora was 15 at the end of that game, he's either 16 or older by the time of Kingdom Hearts 3D. It's assumed that Kingdom Hearts III will take place right after 3D, so his age will be more or less the same in that game.
  2. Jeez; for a second there, I thought you were asking whether I would chose between either an Xbox One or a PS4 to play Kingdom Hearts III. For future reference, never ask that question.
  3. I don't know, isn't jealousy darkness, or something? I don't really know, but I'd like to have a more defined idea in Kingdom Hearts III. That's another thing, I want an actual definition for Darkness. Because in all honesty, I don't think it's really yet been explained what it actually is. I mean, is it some kind of outside force, or is it just the negativity in people's hearts? In any case, I definitely want a solid definition for what Darkness actually is in the next game.
  4. It doesn't matter who won or who will win E3, because Sony had some amazing reveals and I'm pretty sure Nintendo will have quite a few as well. But we shouldn't really be arguing about who won the event, because I'm pretty sure we can all agree who lost it. Microsoft.
  5. Kingdom Hearts 3 ACTUALLY showed up, I think the apocalypse has finally begun.
  6. Kingdom Hearts 3. I think my heart just stopped.

  7. I guess making mistakes is the curse of being young.

    1. Grotesquery


      Indeed. But that doesn't stop them from being a painful thing.

    2. Shard the Gentleman

      Shard the Gentleman

      Thats when I go to Rafiki. It's all in the past. Yes, the past can hurt, but you can either learn from it, or run from it.

    3. Ghost


      Well how else are you gonna learn?

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  8. Wear the controller. Be the game.
  9. Oh come on, let's not go crazy here. What's next? Are you going to tell me it will have controllers too? Clearly, talking to the black box in front of your TV is the way of the future.
  10. It all just depends on where Chuks wants to take the project from this point on, as well as how much work he's actually managed to finish. Like I said, he sort of just dropped off the site a while back. He still(occasionally) shows up on Skype, put I haven't really had much time to talk to him lately. I don't know if the project has been cancelled or not, but if you want, I could try asking him the next time I can catch him. I think it would be beneficial to everyone if we had a clear idea of where the project is, and where exactly it's heading.
  11. I'm kind of worried about that too. Especially since no one's really heard from Chuks in awhile. If people still displayed an interest in this project, then I'd be willing to continue providing any contributions I could. I'm just not sure what exactly has been going on with it lately.
  12. Yet another reason that I'll never fully understand math. It's just too smart for me.
  13. Oh, and don't mind that tree antenna either. It's just one of their many decorative knick-knacks. Only it's not for sale.
  14. Am I the only one who came here expecting a flying Firetruck rainbow pop-tart?
  15. I've always liked to think that the Guardian was a physical manifestation of Xehanort's true self; sort of like an extension of his heart and soul. Something that represents what he is, and just exactly how dark his heart has become. If this is true, then we can probably expect to see more of it in the future; since Xehanort's heart is pretty much the main villain now.
  16. You're free to do whatever you want. But understand, if this is something you are really going to do, you have to present the story in a way that can be easily understood by anyone. Instead of just sitting in front of a camera and saying everything you know about the series so far, try putting it in a way that someone who has no idea what Kingdom Hearts is can perfectly understand. Also, try not to leave any details out. for example, if you never explain what a heartless is, or if you don't cover exactly how the Keyblades were made and for what purpose, a lot of people are going to get confused later down the line. Especially considering how important some of these subjects are. One more thing; try not to go at this half-heartedly. If this is something you really want to do, then go for it. But you'll need to be able to clearly explain EVERYTHING. Not just certain plot points, but everything that is relevant to the story. Don't just go over something in passing reference, make sure that whatever you say, it is well explained and very easy to understand. Unless of course you want to explain the entire story without any spoilers, but that's highly unlikely when considering that that would be pretty much impossible. Regardless of whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck.
  17. Then they just took it a step further by coming out with those carts that ACTUALLY looked like cars. ...There's got to be some sort of evil ploy here, I just know it.
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