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Everything posted by Orchestrafanboy19

  1. Hoping and praying Sora makes it into Smash.

    1. venxas24
    2. Exiblade7
    3. venxas24


      according to a lot of the online polls I've seen have him top 10 but not consistently in top 3 or 5

  2. As much as I love it, Re:coded did it worst. The Keyblade is indeed prominent in CoM. That's the whole purpose of Marluxia and Larxene's plans, they need Sora's Keyblade to combat Org. XIII. Re:coded gave us the Keyblade in a new way that didn't have anything to do with the real attributes of the Keyblade.
  3. That's kind of backwards from the popular opinion.
  4. Unfortunately, no. I need to start listening to them again. The music has always been amazing in KH games, I just don't have that much time.
  5. I saw this and immediately thought, "Where's Lea when you need her?" I clicked on it and here you are!
  6. PS2, GB, GBA, DS, Wii, 2DS, Wii U, Xbox 360. PS2, GB, GBA, DS, Wii, 2DS, Wii U, Xbox 360.
  7. Am I the only one who actually LIKES the prequels? Sure, I'll never argue the lame lines and the midi-chlorians, but there is a lot to love in these movies.
  8. So, here's what I've learned in U.S. History. America is fake, founded by greedy people who lost a little bit of money in shares, and it's entire legacy is a farce. The Land of the Free, people! (Geez, i sound like some kind of conspiracy guy in a chessy sci-fi movie.)

    1. Javelin434


      Yup. Greedy, heartless people made America great, but the founders were a little more nicer than people today.

  9. Yes, I understand you have problems with it, and I don't want to sound like some crazy Tumblr fan. It's simply that this movie was a masterpiece in my opinion and I feel very strongly about it. If I sound upset, I apologize, but I truly do think that sometimes people get too caught up on things that aren't that big of a deal. Regardless, I do respect your opinions and apologize if you thought I was being aggressive.
  10. You seem very nit-picky in this rant. Then again, it is a rant. However, a lot of your arguments aren't fair. The movie is great and you seem to be arguing that stuff that you and you alone didn't like. Olaf is a great character, he's certainly more interesting than Sven, and at least he HAD character. He helped Anna when she was freezing to death and he was willing to melt for her. Anna is not a bland character. She was a neglected child and grew a fanciful personality because of it. Why is it that people can't accept that there really are people in the world that truly do believe in good? You're reading the writings of one right now. The parents were bad parents. There was no saving grace for them. They were bad parents. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's a message on people who expect perfection of their children. No one can expect it, so Elsa suffers because of it. The trolls. Seriously, you're sounding nitpicky. You didn't like them, okay, I get it. The thing with Elsa's power is basically, "With great power comes great responsibility." Plus, you can't tell parents how to raise their children, that's rude and horrible. It doesn't matter how bad they are, you can't do that to someone. It's not your job, your life, nor your responsibility. Hans is the perfect example of someone who tries to save face and appear good, but there's no hiding a black heart. Last-minute? I wouldn't say that, he did break a cliché Disney has suffered from for years. Ask people about Cinderella and they'll tell you it wasn't true love. That's exactly the point of Hans. They spent the same amount of time talking as Cinderella and Prince Charming, yet you can't argue it's true love. You can't possibly know a person until you've spent time with them. Even the whole true love's kiss thing is great. Even after we know he's the villain, he still speaks eccentrically and tries to sound good. Yet, once you know someone's true colors, there's no hiding that. The conclusion. Love. Yes, love. No, not true love's kiss. Not star-crossed lovers. True love. Family love. When have you ever seen a movie where love is the defining message and it's not some cheesy romance? You might think it's silly, but I think it's great. Sure, there is no fixing the years that Elsa spent alone, hardly talking to Anna, but Anna sacrificing herself for the sister she barely knew is true love. How many people would be willing to stand in front of a sword or gun for the person they love? Yeah, sure, tell me you would. I'd really like to see if it's true. That is hard, but Anna was willing to do it. All in all, Frozen is a great movie and it's a breath of fresh air from the stuff Disney usually produces. It's hard going back to stuff like Cinderella after seeing this.
  11. You don't fast-forward through a movie you've never seen before, right?
  12. I finally bought my 2DS! Should be coming in the mail either tomorrow or Thursday.
  13. They are amazing. Yoko Shimomura is the John Williams of video game OSTs and everything she does is masterful.
  14. Seriously, you are awesome. If I ever have any questions, you're the gal.
  15. Like I said, maybe the moon is a pathway that The World that Never Was has found and can use to get to Kingdom Hearts. Or maybe Org. XIII made it themselves.
  16. I know I said that the games don't explain it that well, I meant which worlds in particular are in which realms. Regardless, imagine the RoL as our known universe that we see with space and planets and whatnot. The RoD is an alternate universe parallel to the RoL. That means that they do not touch, but people can pass between the two of them if they are powerful enough. Just listen to Flaming Lea, she knows what she's talking about.
  17. This is something I wish the games would explain better. In KHII, DiZ tells Roxas that he needs a warrior that can walk about in the Realm of Light, meaning that Roxas couldn't fulfill that role because he can't enter the Realm of Light. Yet, The World that Never Was has been said to be close to the Realm of Darkness, but Sora and the gang all visit it. I really wish there was a clear cut answer.
  18. That is a good question. Kingdom Hearts is indeed an object, a tangible thing, maybe even a place. However, that does beg the question, there are three Kingdom Hearts shown throughout the games. The one in the Keyblade Graveyard, the one in the abyss in the first game, and the moon in the World that Never Was, are any of them the REAL Kingdom Hearts? Perhaps every world has its own special connection to Kingdom Hearts. Maybe the various ones we see are all the different paths to the same destination. It may very well be that the worlds orbit around an epicenter of Kingdom Hearts. This is purely speculation, but maybe we haven't seen the real Kingdom Hearts yet. Maybe we've only seen the pathways to it. So, to answer your question, yes and no. Yes, they all are the real Kingdom Hearts, but no, I don't think they're the REAL Kingdom Hearts, if that makes any sense.
  19. Axel literally tells Roxas that friends are the people you have ice cream with and laugh about the stupidest things. I really don't understand why people make fun of this scene so much.
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