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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Whos gonna get sonic lost world?

    1. BlackAceZero777


      Whine and complain about every little thing about Sonic...For example, they first want a serious Sonic game....They get it and say that it is too serious and vice versa...They nag Sega 24/7 about every game they want and Sega gives it to them...Right when they don't get one game, its, "YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO US SEGA! WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO US?! AREGSJUVDUTSHIDDVDHKDVJGD" They steadily bug them about Sonic Adventure 3 EVEN THOUGH they are completely done with the...

    2. BlackAceZero777


      Adventure series...

    3. Roy


      Oh I see...I understand now

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  2. In my dreams when I'm attack my brain enters a mode when it looks at the environment and tries to take advantages of the place and then I think of a way to make a fast weapon or tried to find something to inflict pain towards the killer. my dreams always end in a to be continue but they never show the next part. the last part is usually me getting badly injured and reflecting on my past and making it into some corny sad moral thing and then finding some unknown strength to protect the things that matter
  3. All right thanks for the idea, but wait how do I post their pages? hmm so this is gonna be a shocker to some people?
  4. that adapter comes with the console To think this came from a clever 10 year old, hmm I wonder what the reactions of people be once they see this
  5. I was surprised!and the thing is that I knew this kid for quite a while and then he surprises me with this.I asked him" is your mom alright with?" he said" yeah do all the time when I go somewhere." man I said to myself, nintendo you surprised today and I'm glad you did. now I know what do when I go somewhere
  6. Yup today I went to a school gym and then this is what I see
  7. Well my username came from Latin and Japanese. I was obsessed with the Latin language when I was about to join and Sora being my favorite character I wanted that to be in my username. I was thinking about sora001 or something like that but I wanted my username to be unique so I search up latin words that mean light or darkness. I found obscurum(means darkness)and was thinking Obscurum Sora but it didn't sound right to me and it doesn't match sora at all. I then look at latin words of light and found lux, I wasn't satisfied with that word so I tried searching I found the genitive version which was lucum and switched the u into e and got lucem and then added sora. Lucem Sora, wanted it to mean sky's light
  8. Some pictures of me with my new haircut, makes me look younger than I really am
  9. Roy

    Text Permission

    Go ahead if you want
  10. I love you so much that this cold isn't even to freeze my blazing heart , just thought I should let you know

    1. Roy


      so many ships

    2. Lalalablah


      Cuuuuuuuute that's so cute :DDDD

    3. Roy


      I huff am a sucker when it comes to these comments...I blush easily

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  11. my friend (whom says nintendo sucks) is actually thinking of buying a 3ds since I let him play it for a while...what games should I recommend for him?

    1. Roy


      well I'm still waitng to see what he likes.

    2. Roy


      he likes platformers

    3. BlackAceZero777


      Errr....Hmmm....I don't really know a lot of platformers for the 3DS since I have been playing most of its RPGs...Maybe start him with the DS games???

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  12. Why am I feeling so happy and thrilled?

  13. welcome to thee site of fortuna
  14. man I want to join but I'm afraid I won't be able to actually have enough time to roleplay
  15. oh okay...I was just wondering, well I dunno...I only read reviews when I want to see how it is.
  16. Sonic Lost World? I saw a review that gave it a 7/10
  17. 3ds nickname: LucemSora friendcode: 2294-3451-6946 Nickname in game: Rafael
  18. really? trying to solve the work I did?
  19. Vocoloids! Wow...I'm mindblown

    1. Roy



    2. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister


    3. Roy



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  20. found out that my algebra teacher plays video games...thus explaing why he knows everything about the games I'm drawing

    1. Cucco


      you were so zetta slow figuring out that one...

    2. Roy


      I thought he only knew because of commericals and stuff...the world is not gonna end since I was slow

  21. FINALLY I GOT POKEMON X...I also purchased a legend of zelda hyrule historia

  22. 2 more hours until pokemon x

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