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Everything posted by DestinyLocks

  1. Goodnight :c) <---- do that look like a nose ? well sweet dreams ZZzzzZzZzzZz..... *O*

    1. Silent


      lol it kinda looks like a nose. Good night

    2. VanitasisKirby



      I hope you're able to get some rest.

    3. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      welp goodnight c:

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  2. I'm pround of myself i'm doing better at school than last semester last time my gpa was a 1.4 now it's a 2.3 i'm doing better now ^^

    1. Sora96


      You didn't understand what I said. I said they have nothing to do with being smart.

    2. Col.Random


      well you're right 96 but then again, they sure do help with university admissions owo

    3. Sora96


      I'm already doing the course I'd do at Uni.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  3. )': i think i'm getting sick keep coughing if i'm sick then it better last till monday for i won't go to school .

    1. Weiss


      aww D:

      That sucks. :( Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon.

    2. DestinyLocks
  4. This is a Lame ass saturday !

    1. DestinyLocks


      Lol i would and go to a friends house and everything but it's to cold and dark and idk where i'd go and they be some crazy people outside to

    2. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman



    3. DestinyLocks


      you never ask ;o okay i do but not alot only once in a while when i fell like it lol my bad

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. Music helps me Calm Down <3

    1. Kazuya Nightsky Hazlami

      Kazuya Nightsky Hazlami

      Especialy Kh music Lazy afternoon

  6. goodmoring world and kh freaks ;p

  7. I love my new signature very very very much ;))

    1. Kazuya Nightsky Hazlami

      Kazuya Nightsky Hazlami

      my setings how I don;t understand


    2. OthersiderME


      top right corner. click on your username. click "My Settings". there should be a tab that says "Signature" on the left side. click that.

    3. Weiss


      Good night

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  8. I wanna go to las vegas , Atl , san diego , mexico cabo , cacun , new orleans , la , Australia , new york , new jersey seaside heights , france , and all hole bunch of places ;)<3 and pertuo rico Lol ;D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DestinyLocks
    3. Kazuya Nightsky Hazlami

      Kazuya Nightsky Hazlami

      why would want to go "all hole bunch of places" anyway? are a you traveler?

    4. DestinyLocks


      CAUSE i wanna go there and have fun they all look and sound fun lol ...??

      and no i really don't get out of state or whatever i'll just like to go there .

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  9. So i get all happy that my dad gets home he brings me something to eat right but then ,,, he leaves again -.- so home alone like always .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      idk about all that but i like to go on that one some day . and i beat it does Lol.

    3. trueSora
    4. DestinyLocks


      Lol foesho doe . Lol . just save money and go over there

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  10. Today is friday !!! ^^ to bad i ain't got noting plan and just gonna stay home alone like always -.-

    1. DestinyLocks


      yeah ahah ahah ahaha ahahah xD !!!!

      who sings that song ?

    2. Shana09


      double take


      worse than friday

    3. DestinyLocks


      dam i guess it must really suck i ain't even gonna try to listen to that other song i don't want my ears to bleed Lol jkay but yeah.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  11. I Think Two People Message me but i didn't get it ;0 i just heard the bloop and never got anything !!

  12. Uhhh my uncle wants to to leave my door open because for the wi-fi could be more faster ! i hate leaving my door open it gets on my nervous it has to be close and lock !

    1. DestinyLocks


      Lol Uhhh it hard to explain ! never mind but for get about it and we dont have a strong enough thing to .


    2. Sora96


      Try getting on the airport's Wi-Fi. Hahaha.

    3. DestinyLocks


      Lol maybe i should d:

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  13. Home Alone ..... Like Always -.-

    1. khLOVER358/2


      I know me to but come to my house and let's chill ;D

    2. DestinyLocks


      foesho ;D call me Asap .

  14. Wow alot of people are online now :)

    1. Ruby


      There was more on earlier than right now. Everyone was going on because of khhd being confirmed for an international release

    2. Shiki_Phantasy-Style


      Well, Im here for the Honey...(Pk)

  15. I wanna see the movie ''Moma'' Lol it looks good and scary anyway Goodnight beauitful people <3;)) Lol.

    1. Silent


      have you seen the original short version on youtube? its awesome. xP

    2. Weiss


      Good night.

    3. DestinyLocks


      on i haven't it's good maybe i should see it then ?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  16. I Heard screaming from outside -.-

    1. DestinyLocks


      you mean like dad daddy pops but just popi?

    2. Cyber Shaman
    3. DestinyLocks


      Oh Lmao she called you that ? d:

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  17. Well i just got home walk around with my bitches ;D Today was a great day !

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Glad to hear you had a great day

    2. DestinyLocks


      Thanks and i hope you had a good day to ^^

  18. Goodnight got school in the morning Blah wish me luck !

    1. AROD666


      goodnight and good luck with school

    2. OthersiderME


      luck has been wished upon you.

    3. Weiss


      Good night.

  19. it's really cold and dark outside and making my friend alex walk to my house -.-

    1. VanitasisKirby


      It feels like a state away. o~o Yes, I used to talk with him a lot. I haven't been able to chat with him lately. And yes, I know Marlene. :P He's showed me a few pictures of her.

    2. DestinyLocks


      i know my parents right there like a couple of days ago . and yeah i talk to him alot but at school never here -.- and yeah because he don't get online that much any more :'( and dam that boy Lol. jkay always showing pictures of her jk but that's cute there cute well i'm trying to make her to make an account for it can be the 3 of us Lol. she's preety and he'a cute so they make a good couple

    3. DestinyLocks
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  20. I hate that i'm super clumsy >.<

    1. DestinyLocks


      really when i wake up i wake up with cuts that i never knew i have but people say i'm a crazy sleepier.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      How would they know you're a crazy sleeper? .________.

      I woke up with three cuts on my arm. x_x

    3. DestinyLocks


      my family says i am that i talk in my sleep i sleep all wild and this and that i'm like okay?

      and all bad !

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  21. I hate it when my dad gets mad when i'm around guys -.- like chill i know how to take care of my self !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      he is one Uhhh?


    3. Weiss


      That may just be some people at your school. There's probably some that don't start drama. and there are many other people outside of there that don't start drama.

    4. DestinyLocks


      true but fresno is ghetto Lol. the people from here are cray cray ;) but yeah true

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  22. Dam only 14 people online -.- Well , GoodNight :)

  23. Music helps me calm down <3

    1. DestinyLocks


      Yup i love music ;)

    2. DJ369


      Music is one of the best things ever created. :D

    3. DestinyLocks


      i know that's what i say :D

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  24. So i guess now the girl that was eating her tampon is now gonna swalllow her dads used condoms Like the tampon wasnt enough ??? Nasty ! -.-

    1. blinxhero


      didnt she die?

    2. Ruby


      ^ She died???

    3. DestinyLocks


      omgshe really i heard that but i thought it was a lie and someone says she made a video of that to so now im hella confuse ! ??? and ewwwww why ?

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