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Everything posted by DestinyLocks

  1. You Dum piece of shit > Lmao just kidding omgsh you finally made one uhhh i can see that yeah we gonna rule this now girl lmao just kidding doe but your Bf never get's on that much doe he's wierd lol . well love you girl we gonna have so much fun on here lol. but yeah welcome ^.^
  2. Gonna Get My Phone Tomorrow :D !!!! # GoodNight Sweet Dreams :)))))))

    1. Weiss


      Good night

      Hope you get some rest.

  3. Forgot i don't have school all this week .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      alright good :3 and your welcome :)

    3. Roy


      heh it's odd how we only talk through a status

    4. DestinyLocks


      i know huh i just seen that well we should talk on chat next time if you want .

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  4. your cute sorry had to say that anyway welcome ))
  5. I can't wait till my mom does her taxes and stuff and when she gets her money then we can go shopping and get me some new clothes cause summer is almost comeing .

    1. Think Pink

      Think Pink

      All you want to do with her hard earned money is buy new clothes when chances are all your summer clothes from last year still fit?? :/

    2. DestinyLocks


      oh , they still fit but she says she gonna more and stuff so yeah lol.

    3. DestinyLocks


      and i know but she's gonna get me and my other sister's/bother's stuff .

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Does anyone know a good tablet to buy ?

    1. bit


      ipad 2 or kindle fire hd

    2. Caity


      Brandev Aqua (£90)

      Kindle Fire (£120)

      Google Nexus (unsure)

      And the default one people go for is iPads.

    3. DestinyLocks


      Okay thanks guys :)) cause i've been wanting to get a new one since mine broke well somebody broke it . is the i -pad mini good to ? cause the i-pad is to expenvice ?

  7. Today was a bad day for me :( well goodnight no school tomorrow ^^

    1. Sora96


      Patriots losing the 2012 Super Bowl is more painful than the 49ers losing the 2013 Super Bowl.

    2. Weiss


      The bad day was about football? ._.

    3. DestinyLocks


      yeah i was mad about my team loseing still sad about it but nah not just that i didnt fell good at night , i hurt my toe badly it still hurts lol. and nah , it is not sora lol

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. 11:11 MAKE A WISH <3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      ahaha and fresno you ?

    3. Noobles


      Vanitas makes a point. Maybe the wish will come true.

      I didn't get it at first too Destiny haha.

    4. DestinyLocks


      yeah but i think the niners got this next year to lol :P

      and ahaha same here .

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  9. I miss you alot D; fell like i haven't seen you in forever...

    1. khLOVER358/2


      I know but i haven't been going to school :/ come to my house to chill ;D

    2. DestinyLocks
  10. come on !!!!!!!!!! my team has to win i still have faith in them !!!!!!!!!!! 49ers all the way amd oh hell yeah 49 people online to that's what's up ;D <3

    1. Silent


      sorry maybe next year. :)

    2. Silent


      i take that back. they still have a chance. :P

    3. DestinyLocks


      lmao yeah thats right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are close now !!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. Lmfao ! the neighbors told us to shut up !!!!

    1. Silent
    2. DestinyLocks


      cause my family is been crazy and shit yelling screaming music is on hella lound


    3. DestinyLocks


      and hell no firetruck them !!!!!!!!!! it's all about the niners !!!!!!!!!!! dam have you seen number 7 ;D <3 omgsh !

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. #Lmfao! :D my Family is crazy ! :))) aha aha aha

    1. Kirie


      My family is normal but im the crazy one (: ahaha

    2. DestinyLocks


      aha aha ahah all of use are crazy episcally me !!!!! they say

  13. GoodMoring Big game today gonna watch it with my family # Go Niners ;)<3

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Good morning to you too

    2. Weiss


      Good morning

  14. Ohhhh this guy is sooo Fake i swear Lol.

  15. y'all need to quit for real leave sora alone he's hella cool and everything so be quit and leave him alone

    1. Col.Random


      are we talkig about sora sora

      or 96?

    2. DestinyLocks


      SORA96 YEAH HIM .

    3. DestinyLocks


      Lol he would delete his commet Lol.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  16. Waiting for it to be 12 for i can wish one my closest friend Happy Birthday .

  17. Talking To 10 People Right Now so Confuse and typeing fast Lol.

  18. just came back home now im boerd someone talk to me !

    1. DestinyLocks


      Aha aha aha ha being confused on what ? Lol. and cool that's what's up like what earlyier ago i was watching this lady name glozell ever heard or watch her video's she's funny xD

    2. bit


      xD nice . im being confused at random forums. (someone needs to learn how to make a better website) but uhh yeah...im bored
    3. DestinyLocks


      xD aha aha aha ! yeah i guess Lol. and me to i got home and now i'm like Ehhh.
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. About time i'm going out it's been forever ! fell like i was trap in a lil nut shell Lmao! well see you guys later #going out ;D

    1. SinHeartlessAngel
    2. DestinyLocks


      Lol i did have fun ! :3 i just came home right now .

  20. Me &' My Mom @ Walgreens ^.^ * She Was Getting Ready To Pay * Some Guy Gets Close To Me & Says * You Gotta Number ? Before I Can Say YES or NO , My Mom Asks Him , * Do You Go To School ? Him: I'm On Home Studies . Mom: Oh Well Do You Have a Job ? Him: No Mom: Oooo I Bet You Don't Even Have a Car Him: Yeah I don't Mom: Then No You Can't Have My Daughters Number! Shes Not Gonna Have a Furture With You # LMFAO Gotta Love My Momma ;D <3 ^.<3

    1. DestinyLocks


      Lmfao! i do ahahah aha ahaa lol why ?

    2. SinHeartlessAngel
    3. DestinyLocks


      Ahaha ahha ahha Okay then Lol. Love you to lol <3

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. Now i Gotta Save Lots , & Lots Of Money Now So Can't Really By New Stuff But Man I Wanted Some New j's Well Next Time ._.

    1. bit


      can u buy me a waffle flavored pancake


    2. DestinyLocks


      No ! I Need to Save Money lol jp

      and ~Buys You Won ~ ! ....

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