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Everything posted by DestinyLocks

  1. wow it's like dead right now someone talk to me ! >,<

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. VanitasisKirby


      El Paso is full of drunks? Lol, so is Vegas. xD The drunks are only found at the Strip or the Boulevard. Drunks around the community are rare, but they're there. OwO

      At least we have Adventure Dome/Fright Dome. 8D

    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      That's why I lol at her.

    4. DestinyLocks
    5. Show next comments  15 more
  2. My Aunt Came Back With a Smile It Looks Funny On Her Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      of the cheethah spots ?

    3. Koko
    4. DestinyLocks


      i know i really want that i am gonna get it but the money and all that stuff .

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  3. My team won :') i'm so pround Lol yeah i'm a girl that watches football so niners All day !!! we going to the super bowl ! ;)))) <3!!!!

    1. DestinyLocks


      oh yeah okay well i dont like them but i will say there better than the raiders doe .

    2. Yang


      I wasn't talking to anyone in particular I just wanted to state the football team I appreciate the most

      that is all

    3. DestinyLocks


      Oh Okay Then I Get You.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  4. i'm soooooo groosed out more than anything right now !!!! That's freaken disgusting!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwww!

    1. DestinyLocks


      but if only you saw and what it look like and stuff !

    2. Roy


      Really wow that's intense but Maybe seeing it will actually make me quessy...I think 2 girls n 1 cup is more nasty tjough.

    3. DestinyLocks


      yeah well search it up or something ?

      and watch it nasty thing i ever saw that and 2 girls and one cup why would they eat shit hella nasty ! EWWWW' but then i think she killed herself i think thats what i heard!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. GoodNight :)

    1. Silent


      nighty night

    2. VanitasisKirby



      I hope you're able to get some rest.

    3. Weiss


      Good night.

      hope you sleep well

  6. if someone's ever tryna agru with me , Don't write long As comment's Makes me feel like I'm reading Harry Potter Books & shit ! Makin me fell Dizzy, Lmao ! :P

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Demyx.


      xD so entertaining
    3. Cricket


      No, just no. Next time, take this to private messaging or inform the staff/report members if you have problems with them instead of having a public fight.

    4. Oniaku


      We're sorry, the message you typed was either stupid or incomprehensible, possibly both. Please hang up and try again later.

    5. Show next comments  15 more
  7. yeah alot of people judge me and i never do that and okay then wy]hy now i wont laff .?
  8. omgsh really dont worry i fall down alot to i'm clusmy and its okay tell me i wanna know lol i dont jugde
  9. i want a bestfriend on this website that i can trust and talk to and stuff like that!

  10. Lmfao this one hella made me laff i was weak Asf! say it Lol all of your guys were crazy ! what do you mean mis leading .?
  11. Lmao jk well im home all boerd and just want to know what was the most embrassing thing that happen to you at school.me idk i had alot i am clumsy so i always fall but i have to say throwing up in class and everyone looking at you ! what about your's !
  12. how do we put a signature or what ever it's called ?

  13. it really dont fell like a saturday to me .

    1. DestinyLocks


      what would i do and if he's ugly

      i'll say hi back but no flirt if he's ugle lol.

    2. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      But what is he's just looking for a friend?

    3. DestinyLocks


      then i'll be his friend then

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  14. Good Morning Dam doe yesturday was hella real and crazy but anyway what to do today !

  15. Goodnight going to bed now have to wake up early -.-

    1. Weiss


      Good night

      hope you sleep well

    2. VanitasisKirby



      I hope you're able to get some rest.

  16. What Happen To '' put ya hands in the Air & wave Em Like you just dont care/?'' Now Uh days it's ''get that ass on the flo & pop that pussy bitch!'' #Lmaocrazygeneration..

    1. DestinyLocks


      what i do i said like this generation change and stuff so yeah i like the music form today

    2. Jim


      Oh. My bad, haha. I guess it's just not my cup of tea. Sorry about that

    3. DestinyLocks


      Lol it's okay dont need to say sorry .

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  17. GooooooooooooD Niiiiiiiiiiight ;))

    1. VanitasisKirby



      I hope you're able to get some rest.

    2. AROD666
    3. Shera Wizard
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. for some wierd reason when i'm mad and someone talks to me i out hi but then when i'm ight cool and stuff i put Hey! LOL. i'm wierd just notice that.

    1. DestinyLocks
    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Yup, we all have certain typing quirks.

    3. DestinyLocks


      furreals i know uhhh i thought it was just me !

  19. Ohh i hate when people are in my room that annoyes me hella i aint trying to be selfish but it gets to me i only let cetain people in.

    1. DestinyLocks


      yeah go full power x D all you can go Lol.?

      and lmao you need to f a girl in your senior yeah Lol ......???

      &&, what grade are you in.?

    2. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      It's embarrassing but I'm a freshman ;_;

      lol ouch full power hurts xD

    3. DestinyLocks


      nah it's not embrassing i was one last year not any more .

      and lmao maybe for the girl but idk for the guy Lol:P

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  20. can't wait till 8 o'clock ;))

  21. just cause i hang with some guys that makes me a hoe dam doe what is so wrong with a gilrl to hang with guys . ? i have a lot of friends that are guys but my guy friend wanted to me hang with him so i did and some people saw and that makes me one dam tho some girls just bring drama and start shit but guys no they just have fun and they are hella funny so that's why to dam tho got me piss i aint no hoe you lie on your back and dont know who is your baby daddy so like really who is the hoe...

    1. Koko


      sexism at its finest

    2. DestinyLocks


      i know but dam them people!

  22. Goodnight bugars jk sweet dreams ;D

    1. VanitasisKirby



      I hope you're able to get some rest.

    2. Weiss


      Good night.

      Hope you get some rest.

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