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Everything posted by DestinyLocks

  1. I wanna get a new piercing but idk where?

    1. Kirie


      I want to get one in my belly button

    2. DestinyLocks


      yeah i already have that one and my lip bottom lip on the right side

  2. Tomorrow i go back to school kinda want to because i wanna see my friends :D

  3. im sick and im hella cold great -.-

    1. AROD666


      warm you up and make you feel special :)

    2. DestinyLocks
  4. Goodmoring it's so cold today -.-

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Good morning. ^^

      Make sure to wear a sweater! :3

    2. Weiss


      Good morning

  5. GoodNight sleeping early tonight tierd Afff !

    1. Weiss


      Good night.

      Hope you get some sleep

    2. AROD666
    3. VanitasisKirby


      Good night

      I hope you're able to get some rest.

  6. Watching the bad girls club i love this show ;p it's hella crazy when i get older i want to be in it <3 ;D

    1. DestinyLocks


      omgsh you watch that to i know it is i can't wait for the next season Atlanica that season seems HELLA crazy so hell yeah ima go addition or what ever how you say it ! Lol!

    2. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      I love that show its entertaining as firetruck ! XDDDD

    3. DestinyLocks


      I know my favorite Bad Girl of all time is have to be Gia i love that girl she was hella real and funny and all that good stuff the one from season 8 Las vegas yeah her she my fav.;p

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. Ehhh i can't sleep cause ive been sleeping all day and now its hard for me to go to sleep Well Good Night hopefully i can go to sleep!

    1. DestinyLocks


      Lmaoo ;p its beacause i had a long day i was HELLA tierd so i just slept but i didnt know i was gonna sleep for long time but whatever!

    2. VanitasisKirby



      I'm hope you're able to get some rest. ^^

    3. Weiss


      Good night.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  8. i got suspended from school today great !

  9. us girls forgive, But we sure Don't Forget.

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      luckily the girl i like is kinda spacy so i can get away with a little

    2. DestinyLocks


      Yeah good for you hope you guys are good and hope she likes you back Lol.

    3. SoraBlade
    4. Show next comments  33 more
  10. I swear guys are hella Horny now a days Js!!!!

    1. DestinyLocks


      Lmao! xD i know but they are !one trying getting at me and you know what Ewwww some are horny ass bastards Lol!

    2. khLOVER358/2


      same are not me tho ! xD but was it bryan that was trying to get at you?

    3. DestinyLocks


      yeah his ugly ass hell nah he be tripen he nasty Af!

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  11. Frank ocean ''Thinking About You'' i freakin love that song ;DD <3 i can sing it all day ! ;p

  12. GoodNight gonna go watch jersey shore yeah so i wacth it Lol ;D

    1. Weiss


      Good night.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      Goodnight! :)

      I hope you're able to get some rest.

  13. Aahahahaha xD tonight was intersting i guess but whatever i aint tripping GoodNight!

    1. Weiss


      Good night.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      Good night^^

      I hope you get some rest. :D

  14. I Wonder If People Don't Like Me On Here?!

    1. sinisterShadow


      I dont know... I felt like saying that xD

    2. DestinyLocks


      Not me what tho?

    3. DestinyLocks


      Saying what sinisterShadow?

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  15. Alot of people saying there drama on here where is it i dont see any?:P

  16. Just changed my picture Dam why do he gotta be so sexy and hot ;D <3 Js

  17. Joey dimond is freaking cute <3 ;D

  18. Goodnight ;p

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Goodnight! ^^

      Hope you get some rest. :)

  19. I was gonna leave my picture but people are making fun of my lips cause i was doing them like a duck Not even i was just blowing a kiss at my old phone well time to take it down Lol.

    1. DestinyLocks


      i was kidding with the blowing a kiss thing ? Lol.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      You looked fine to me! :3


      It kinda looked like a duck face, though. :P You're very pretty! :D :D

  20. To you people wanna see how i look there i am hurry up and look before i take it down ;3

    1. DestinyLocks


      Aahahaha shutup xD aint noting wrong with that Alot , of girls do it soo

    2. Col.Random


      meh just giving some advice,

    3. DestinyLocks


      you dont like it when girls do that?

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  21. Who saw my picture i put it up really fast like super fast

  22. Who wants to see a picture of me ?

    1. DestinyLocks


      You did alex showed you a pic of here?

    2. DestinyLocks
    3. VanitasisKirby


      Yep. She's very pretty. ^^

      She looks a lot like me when I had my natural highlights, though. :/

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  23. Okay i dont care of what people think of me im myslef no matter what!

    1. DestinyLocks


      no its not your perfext you seem awsome i really dont know you but you seem awsome tho!!! and serious is to boring i like lound fun funny people like you !!!

    2. DestinyLocks


      Yup what they said your perfect the way you are !!! Dont change for nobodu !

    3. VanitasisKirby



      Alright, thanks. ^^


      Someone lend me their Serious Pants. I need them for tomorrow. :D

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  24. Hearing a Guy's sleepy voice Turn on for me ^.^ ;D <3

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Their voice is adorable. x3

    2. DestinyLocks


      Yeah you get me YEAH you unserstand Girl ;3 and isnt it ?!

    3. VanitasisKirby


      I get it. xD

      They look adorable when they sleep, imo.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  25. Instead of getting peroids, can girls just get a text once, a mouth from mother nature saying , ''your not pregant , have a nice week''? -.-

    1. DestinyLocks


      I know wish that happens

    2. VanitasisKirby


      That would be lovely.


    3. DestinyLocks


      I know only if it were true and it did happen i'll be happy and grateful!

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