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Everything posted by DestinyLocks

  1. locked Out The House Again -.- These Little F*ckkers Are Gunna Get it When i Get In!

    1. DestinyLocks


      yeah i still had the i-pad with me outside

    2. VanitasisKirby



      Sorry to hear you were locked out..

    3. DestinyLocks


      it's alright i got in !

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  2. who seen the picture of me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirie


      I cant cuz I have mai phone :c

      ill send u a pic of me when im on the computer

    3. DestinyLocks


      Awww alright and okay let me know when doe and i'll give or show you more pics. of me if you want doe

    4. Kirie
    5. Show next comments  27 more
  3. Gonna show a picture of myself who ever wants to see it .

    1. Silent
    2. DestinyLocks


      Nah cause i wanna take it right down right away. ima just have it in my proflie picture or avartor what ever you wanna call it for a while.

    3. VanitasisKirby


      Lol, I saw it. xD

      You look nice! 8D

  4. Okay, now im done messaging people! Goodnight now!

    1. Weiss


      Good night

      hope you get some rest

    2. khLOVER358/2


      Yeah i got one and you made mine special! see you tomorrow!

    3. VanitasisKirby


      Good night. Hope you're able to get some rest.

      happy new years to you, too. cB

  5. Goodnight i aint gonna sleep yet ima still party gonna head to one ;)) but aint gonna be one for the rest of the night so Goodnight cuties ;D zZzzzZzzzZz.!!! <3

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Good night.

      Hope you get some rest. :)


      Hope you enjoy the party? :3

    2. Weiss


      Good night.

      Have fun at the party.

    3. khLOVER358/2


      Goodnight which one you at i finna go ;)) go to ruth's house and issic house ight? dam we up at 1 in the moring partying like what we do best ;DD

  6. goodnight gonna ZzZzZZZzzzZzz....... Now Lol i'm Off sweet dreams everybody !!!!

    1. Weiss


      good night.

      Hope you get some rest.


    2. VanitasisKirby


      Good night.

      Hope you're able to get some rest. :)

  7. Idc if it's hella cold i want icecream cookies and cream ;DD

    1. Weiss


      I eat ice cream during cold a lot xD

    2. DestinyLocks


      Me to high five ! i want some cookies and cream and Yummm some those sand which ones to My Fav. <3

  8. just got home and already im hella boerd ! -.-

  9. GoodNight !

    1. Nick Sideris
    2. khLOVER358/2


      Goodnight loser even tho im in the other room ima pull off your blankets off Ahahah Jk ima even cut your hair ! xD Jk

    3. VanitasisKirby


      Good night. :)

      Hope you're able to get some rest.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  10. Hell yeah gonna listen to music with my new i-pod then gotta eat some extra hot cheethos my favorite then gonna take a nap and wake up and go out my plans for the rest of the day sounds good ;))

  11. today is going by so slow -.-

  12. GooooDNiggght Lol :DD

    1. Weiss


      Good night

      Hope you get some rest

    2. VanitasisKirby


      Good night. :)

      I hope you're able to get some rest.

  13. just finish opening our presents i love what i got but now it's time to go to sleep Goodnight everyone ^.^

    1. coolwings
    2. VanitasisKirby


      Glad to hear you loved your presents.

      Good night. ^^

      Hope you're able to get some rest :)


      Merry Christmas!

    3. Weiss
  14. Merry Christmas Eve opening our present's at midnight ^.^

    1. TraverseLight


      Sounds like fun! :D Merry Christmas Eve to you too! ^o^

    2. DestinyLocks


      thanks i will and hope you guys have fun as well ;))

    3. TraverseLight


      Thanks! ^^ And you're welcome! :D

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  15. i would be taking pictures of my self at midnight LOL. cause i'm cool like that.

  16. GoodNight.

    1. TraverseLight
    2. VanitasisKirby


      Good night. ^^

      Hope you're able to get some rest.

    3. Weiss
  17. i dont like it when people do that but this gets my hyper !!! :D
    1. DestinyLocks


      Oh when they were throwing stuff and at the end when they said yeah im hungry?

    2. Silent
    3. DestinyLocks


      -Lmao my favorite girl was the one in the orange and shorts and with j's the one that got that trash can thrown on her she my favorite Lol.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rHXI6AzJi2E I love this song ^.^ i can listen to it all day <3 ;D
    1. SinHeartlessAngel


      I know. and i was telling you, that i think this song is shit.

    2. DestinyLocks


      Okay you don't have to keep on saying it you made your point already idgaf

    3. SinHeartlessAngel
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  19. WhEn; PeoOpL3 TypE LikKe3 ThiS$ , No; just stop that annoyes me a Little.

    1. DestinyLocks
    2. Weiss


      "This" means I very much agree with the status.

    3. DestinyLocks


      Oh know i know and forrealsss uhhh?

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  20. I hate that i get hella annoyed to easy even for Lil. stuff

  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=9R_L2sQgAtA Dam this is my show !!!! this show is hella crazy it makes me lafff !!! Ahahaha xD
  22. ~ Lmao Goodnight :))

    1. Weiss


      Good night.

      Hope you sleep well.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      Good night.

      Hope you get some rest. :)

    3. AROD666
  23. Man i ain't playing i gotta get my new phone!

  24. Uhhh I'm hella getting mad !

    1. Weiss
    2. DestinyLocks


      I know and i even did it just it won't let me sorry i get irrated hella fast!

    3. DestinyLocks


      it says this video doesnt exiist sorry about that !

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