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Everything posted by DestinyLocks

  1. What have i missed ? It's been years since ive been on here

  2. I haven't been here since 2013 or 2014 omg it's been years.

  3. Some wierd people or strange pages be following me on Instagram ? Aha

  4. iphone 5s or another galaxy s4 ? o:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      Okay thanks you guys (: I have a galaxy 3 I need to up grade Lmfao I heard there gonna make a s5?

    3. Sora96


      Yes, there's going to be an S5.

  5. Got school tomorrow /.\ gonna finish wacthing my show then call it a night goodnight (:

  6. I came like a wrecking ball!!!! lol I'm bored xP

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      but i am old enough to be married?? LOL

    3. WakingDawn96


      Yes, that is exactly right.

    4. HarLea Quinn
  7. People that tex so slow and boring ._. ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      Ahahah true I know what you mean I sometimes reply late when im I'm busy but not like everytime and they just say yeah okay lol lmao I hate that like be funny wierd and stuff

    3. Lalalablah


      Ughh same here I hate single word replies. I just stop texting the person back when they start doing that. And the worst is when I try to start conversation and they don't even put forth effort to keep it going

    4. DestinyLocks


      Omgosh I know and they get all but hurt and say hello cant tex back cant even tex me back im like no I dont too your boring ahahh

  8. Goodnight ^.^ So tired lately ;/ Been so busy ....

    1. Sora96


      Hope to talk to you soon!

  9. just got home got the biggest headache ever ;/ was at school for like 10 hours for summer school and night school ;//

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      It is ._. And what do you mean ?

    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      In other words; good luck in the classes

    4. DestinyLocks


      Thankd alot but that night class is really fun and cool cause we dont really do anything we are just in the library useing computers thats where we do work and no teacher teahes we get to leave when ever we want we get get of campus and get a drink or something to eat and leave whenever you dont have to ask you just walk out lol

  10. Goodnight ;/ You Guys ........

  11. when you find out someone's true colors and you see how they really are .-.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DestinyLocks


      Yeah but thanks also :)

    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      No problem just remember that she missed out on something people yearn for, "friendship " and it'll bite her in the ass later

    4. DestinyLocks


      Yeah that is true

  12. Are You Serious Ima Have To Take The Bus And Its Like 104 Degrees Outside Ima Have To Wait In The Hot Sun Fml Right Now ._. Wish Me Luck That I Dont Faint Why Just I cant be in a freezer untle winter comes lmfao jk but yeah

    1. Caity


      ....I like the bus

      when it's on time

      £1 for a day ticket

  13. Man I hate the heat it annoys me . and I get irrated fast ._. gonna be in the 100s all week great ....

    1. Dracozombie


      I know that feel. I'm taking refuge in the air-conditioned library because outside will incinerate me.

    2. Ghost


      Bleh, totally. At least it's a great time to swim and/or play with the hose.

    3. DestinyLocks


      True I cant stand being outside I have the ac on but my dad bees cheap sometimes he dont wanna turn it on .-.

  14. guess whos back tooo wow havent been here ina cool min. i miss you guys lol :P

  15. Im Back!!!!! ^^ after a long time fells good to be back :D

  16. Hey everyone i'm sorry i should of never done that i really i'm sorry don't be mad at no one episcally marlene she didn't know everyone should be mad at me and i'm saying i'm sorry okay well hope we for get about this and just move one okay buyy # goodnight

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marlene'Loccsz'


      it's okay don't be mad or sad we got you or i do lol

    3. Sora96


      She's talking about all the disgusting posts made by other people.

    4. DestinyLocks


      Okay thanks everybody ^.^

  17. cause i don't wanna have drama i already have enought at school and jusy ehhh you guys don't know me and saying all this crap about me like that's firetruck up and i just wanna be cool with people so yeah that's why and that's firetruck up i'm a man okay i got you what ever . really you to gonna be firetruck up to dam i guess and everybody knows it was a joke and no i'm staying i don't care .
  18. you know what i'ma be the bigger person i guess and just aplongize alright so i'm sorry this was all i joke i didn't mean to get all crazy and stuff so yeah can we leave it at that and just be cool with each other cause i'm not trying to have drama on here and stuff and yeah just saying .
  19. i'm off i don't care . anybody can fight over the interent and i'm not gonna waste my time doing all this i don't care .
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