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About MikeHill005

  • Birthday 11/13/1994

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  1. Wow... this guy sounds like a complete dick. The issue with an "always online" console is the fact that not everyone has a reliable internet connection. If the console just has "Online" as a DEFAULT SETTING that can be turned of when needed, that's fine. But Microsoft: unless you give us free 4G or something with the next Xbox, don't assume that everyone CAN be online all the time. Oh well. I never planned to buy the next Xbox anyway.
  2. No PC version yet? REALLY? If I have to play this game on a console, I'm going to be upset. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "PC Master Race" guy, but the console versions will undoubtedly have framerate and screen-tearing issues that I don't want to put up with.
  3. Got a 60GB Refurbished PS3 from Gamestop a little over a year ago. Works totally fine - unfortunately, I later found out that the 60GB model is loud and prone to hardware failure, so I bought a newer model a few months ago. Funny story: The newer model I bought on Amazon was a 250GB Slim. However, when it arrived, I found out that they shipped me a 2012 Black Friday SUPER Slim by accident (the one that comes with Uncharted 1&2 and inFamous 1&2.) They never emailed me about the problem, so I just kept it. 4 free games FTW.
  4. A slice of pizza I had in 7th grade. It had a bunch of long, black hair in it. The same day, one of my friends found an airsoft pellet in his nachos. I brought my own lunch for the rest of the year.
  5. I've had one for about a year, although with the 8th console generation coming soon, I'm about to make the switch to PC gaming. Despite that, I'm sure that I'll continue playing the PS3, because some of its exclusives are among my favorite games this generation. inFamous series, I'm looking at you.
  6. I don't mind if people say them in a joking manner. When people say swag or YOLO seriously, though, it's annoying as hell.
  7. Odd, usually people have much more trouble with Sora's version of the boss. Just button mash and attack him while he's not doing anything. Fire works well, too. If you're REALLY having trouble, you could always spam freeflow off of the Cathedral.
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