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Hikari XIII

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Everything posted by Hikari XIII

  1. No they shouldn't be,actually i think no person in this world should be treated badly. But This world is unfair, Life is Beautifull, but its complicated. Oh yeah and one thing. When a person expirience something bad like being bullied by bad people and keeps going on, It makes them more special than regular people
  2. neverending game well, it can end if no one posts in this thread anymore
  3. That person's gonna kill me! HE'S GONNA KILL ME! HE'S GONNA KILL ME'!!!!!!! o A o

  4. Im gonna have to explain everything why i was gone so long huh???

    1. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      only if you want to :O

    2. Hikari XIII

      Hikari XIII

      Sp then can i not explain?. :D

    3. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      haha if you dont want to explain, you dont have to owo

  5. First Power rangers VS Hedgehog war, next is KH member VS monkey's... WHAT's NEXT?!?!

    1. Weiss


      *Kh members vs masks disguised as monkeys

    2. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      im sick and tired of this war

  6. .......Monkeys and Hedgehogs army......hm... ...Icarus says monkeys will win...... ....... Andn also Keys joined ........
  7. .....wow...so many changed while i was gone

  8. .....wow...so many changed while i was gone

  9. im finally back online!!!!!!!!! :') hi guys!!! im sorry i havent been online for a longtime !!

    1. DarkLoboXIII
    2. Col.Random


      i was wondering where you've been :D

    3. Hikari XIII

      Hikari XIII

      Iv'e been struggling fighting my sisther for the computer, 1 of the computers were broke and my sis didn't allowed me to play, S i played her xomputerz secretly, i wont be online every day though :( gotta keep a low profile so my wont find out that i played her computer....

  10. im finally back online!!!!!!!!! :') hi guys!!! im sorry i havent been online for a longtime !!

  11. im finally back online!!!!!!!!! :') hi guys!!! im sorry i havent been online for a longtime !!

  12. im finally back online!!!!!!!!! :') hi guys!!! im sorry i havent been online for a longtime !!

  13. im finally back online!!!!!!!!! :') hi guys!!! im sorry i havent been online for a longtime !!

    1. Weiss




  14. ......i'm so stupid....

    1. Iamkingdomhearts1000


      Keysofblades is right.



    2. Weedanort


      You're not an idiot.


      Yes, sometimes we make mistakes, but we shouldn't throw ourselves down because of that.

    3. Aqua Keyblade

      Aqua Keyblade

      hey.... don't be idiotic my friend ...


      but sometimes... i felling the same too...


    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. Banned for banning a person that banned 2 person at once
  16. Hedgehogs VS Power rangers..Let the war begin!!!

    1. Sonic
    2. Xer



    3. Weiss



    4. Show next comments  6 more
  17. damn i got busted for playing video games at midnight xP

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh pink ranger crankin down

    2. Hikari XIII

      Hikari XIII

      OKAY I WILL STOP !! HAVE MERCY! *Hands surrender*

    3. Weiss


      My record is still staying up til 5AM playing games :P

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. Gah...even though its Vacation.... im firetrucked bored now ....nothing to do...

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