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Everything posted by Zephyr_320

  1. Sora and Riku have defeated Xehanort and have past there mark of mastery exams. They have now become keyblade masters! Thus being masters the two will have to train pupils of there own. New enemies await and new opticals will be in there way to keep peace in the worlds around them. Both Sora and Riku will both have three pupils so ill take several sign ups and then choose who will be pupils, Then ill take sign ups for villains and any new idea for new enemies. After that ill then start the RP. RULES: 1) no God Modding ...I hate that! No one will be O.P. 2) cursing and love and stuff will be PG13 3) no controlling other characters without permission 4) make things understandable and easy to read. 5) have fun and be creative 6) normal kh13 rules apply (obviously) Character sheet for the new nobody group: (Be creative don't use weapons or powers of the other nobodies) Nobody Name: Somebody Name: Weapon: Power: Appearance: Bio: Home world: Personality: Theme(optional): There is no limit to how many nobodies! I'm not gonna set a limit on how many character sheets you can fill out just don't over do it, please Also only one character from each group you apply for will be accepted EX: one wielder, one nobody, one heartless, one enemy, ect.........ect......... Also there will be ALOT of spots to be filled or this wont work so tell your friends to join it on the journey. Sign ups for Sora and Riku's pupils are officially closed
  2. I like the idea on pupils of sora its beast!
  3. Just scrolling around randomly and saw the no replays so I had to reply lol
  4. Well whats eves I wanted to it reentered hurt anyone I just figured ppl wouldn't check out something they don't recognize how can u be a kh fan and so plain
  5. Zephyr_320


    Hi:) I'm open for convo at all times.....unless I'm not on of course lol Also my fav character is urs best friend so possibly we will too:) Riku FTW!
  6. "Trutsu? Why would you be scared of a sibling?" Raynd was confused, to him family was for help not something to fear.
  7. Ok well this isn't a question but u should check out my new RP, Karamor!
  8. "Interesting, the ability of invisibility. Most useful, but that's off subject. The subject shouldn't be changed for a non threatening spy, where would this Lacuna be?" Raynd stated.
  9. He captain sighed "well y r u two still here? Find them!"he walked then walked away.
  10. Quick question U mentioned that sora failed Does that mean he is dead or what?
  11. Raynd followed and agreed with Susu, "but the problem is where we start.... It would either be where he risen or where he fell. Where ever his heart wondered to, heck it could even be in kingdom hearts itself. Do you know what happened to him?"
  12. Steps back,"sorry. But we need to find the trace of sora!his light could bring back these dying worlds" "Yeah but u couldn't even tell if Halloween town was in darkness its always dark"
  13. Raynd thought deeply over susu's words, "that's it!" He jumped in front of Susu and grabbed her shoulders "that's exactly what we need to find!"
  14. "As long as this world is healed ill be content." Raynd continued to walk, "but in order to fix this world I'm gonna have to check on the datascape....if its a world like u say then it too, shall be engulfed in darkness and any information will be in able to be retrieved. I need that information, I can't fix things using my ignorance." The three entered a room with Xehanorts picture on the wall, the place was trash and full of notes. "So who is this Sora character who fixed the datascape before?"
  15. The captain turned to kye, "and what about your target?"
  16. Raynd pulled out his tonfas. "No, I'm really shy on the details." How about you Susu?"
  17. Character sheet Name: Kid Karamor: Kai Age: 14 Gender: male Alliance (good bad neutral): good Appearance: shorts, red tee, brown spikey hair, black gauntlet on his left hand, shin guards, blue eyes, normal tennis shoes. Bio: when he was 8 yrs old his parents died in a fire. He was adopted by a man named, Levi. Ever since he was adopted his life has been nothing but training for a tournament for youths with Karamor, that you can only enter if your between the ages of 14 to 18. Now that he is old enough he doesn't think he can take thus harsh life style any more and he is about to make a break out of this prison that people around him call home. Weapon: sword w/ blade on the other side Theme (optional):
  18. I was just getting the word out y u gotta dis?
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