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Everything posted by PrincessKari

  1. Hey guys, Just wondering what every wants for Christmas and everyone should have an answer I mean, it's Christmas! I certainly know what I`m getting: This limited edition hardcover copy of The Flight of The Alicorn by Ponydora Prancypants! I am sooo excited. It should be arriving in the mail very soon! So what is everyone else getting? Post your answers below.
  2. That is so EPIC! I hope one day I have boyfriend who will give me gifts as cool as that.
  3. Look, there is just one tiny little thing on my mind right now. You see, when I moved schools this year all of a sudden people started telling me that I have an American accent. I don't even come from America! And none of my relatives are American so how is it that I sound American? What are Americans like anyway? Are they as fat and lazy as people say? Or are they genuinely decent people who have guns and a bad health care system? OR are they better than us Aussies? I would hope so! But my question is: What are Americans like? Are they nice people? Please Help! - PrincessKari
  4. I get the same problem. Why haven't people heard of KH or FF? They are amazing games. I guess it is a little awkward when you start talking about Kingdom Hearts and nobody has any idea what your on about. So no, you are not alone. And that is why we even have this site. To find people like you and I, who love and enjoy Kingdom Hearts.
  5. Just got out of school today. I'm really looking forward to sleeping in, staying up late and Christmas! I can't wait.

    1. Weiss


      Cool! Have a nice break! :D

    2. A mystery

      A mystery

      I hope you have fun on your break!

  6. - Cosplay - Tokyo Disneyland - Studio Ghibli Museum - See Joe Hiaishi Perform along with, Yoko Shimomura and Utada Hikaru
  7. I know what that feels like. I used to do modeling before I quit a few years ago. I think that the best advice I can give you is to smile.....or laugh. Do either of those things and you`ll be fine. And everyone gets nervous when performing in front of a large audience. It's a part of being on stage. But even if you play a wrong note, just keep on playing and remember as long as you appear happy on stage then the audience will relax a little knowing that you are happy to entertain them. By the way, the piano is my favorite instrument. I hope this helps!
  8. Kingdom Hearts is.. The most beautiful game in the whole world. Tetsuya Nomura has created a...beautiful imaginative and adventurous story for us. We put the Kingdom Hearts I into a PS2's wondering, what will I get out of this anyway? In the final moments of the game as the story reached it's climax, we dropped our controllers through our heads into our knees and our hands into our faces as we cried hysterically. Who knew that a video game would bring light into our hearts? Who knew that a video game would make us cry? As the credits rolled we breathed in and dried our eyes. And as we stood up we felt....alive. The game was created for a great purpose and that was to remind of us of the true meaning of....love. What Sora was fighting for throughout the whole game was love. He loved Kari. Even if he didn't know yet he still loved her. A best friend might take a bullet for you but only someone like Sora would sacrifice his heart. As he stabbed that Keyblade through his chest I felt a pang of guilt but when he did that, it had to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Kingdom Hearts has taught me more about Love, Friendship and Compassion than any amount of schooling ever will. It has taught me to fight for my friends for they would do the same. It has taught me what love well and truly is. It has taught me about the true meaning of friendship. It has taught what bravery is and isn't. It has taught me how powerful and dangerous a heart can be. But most of all, It has taught me to love others and to be brave when people start to hate. For I believe in Tolerance and Love. I believe in Peace and Humility. I believe that one day this world will learn to love and tolerate as much as we fight and quarrel. I hope that one day this world will be more like...Equestria. - Princess Kari
  9. Definitely Sora. Because it takes a lot of Courage to just sacrifice your heart for another. But even more so when you love the person so dearly. Plus It takes a lot of courage to stand up and fight for your friends in their time of greatest need.
  10. What Sora was fighting for throughout the whole game was love. He loved Kari. Even if he didn't know yet he still loved her. A best friend might take a bullet for you but only someone like Sora would sacrifice his heart. As he stabbed that Keyblade through his chest I felt a pang of guilt but when he did that, it had to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
  11. My name is PrincessKari and I am new to KH13. Kingdom hearts has been a game which has been passed down from my brothers to me and I have loved it since forever. I have played several of the games and have enjoyed them. My favorite character is Kairi and my favorite game is Kingdom Hearts II.
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