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Everything posted by nenni32

  1. Be excited for first 5 minutes then start praying that I survive.
  2. Hmm you can always take out return for fire fangs. The reason I keep pursuit is to trap Psychics ands Ghosts like Gengar and Latios as the people I play against tend to use them and that is just my counter to it. But yeah take out return for fire fang that should be a good way with dealing with forretress.
  3. Ven and Aqua for me. Just something about both of them made me like them the most.
  4. I love reading the new chapters as it gives me another way to experience the kingdom hearts world and gives me more kingdom hearts until the next game comes out.
  5. Hey welcome to the community! I am always up for a chat if you ever want someone to talk to
  6. Seeing as others are saying favourite pokemon mine is Celebi. I absolutely love celebi he is amazing! My second favourite is suicune.
  7. I am currently using a choice banded Stoutland with Return/Superpower/Pursuit/Wild Charge. It is working out really well for me. Full attack and speed EV's and it hits everything hard. Is kinda frail though...
  8. I can't find anything on it moving on the internet either..
  9. I didn't know it moved and if that is the case it makes a whole lot more sense in why they haven't been able to find each other. It also explains how ansem must have met aqua.
  10. That is right, sorry, and Aqua has been there since BBS. I guess we don't really know how big the realm of darkness is because surely mickey would've made it his duty to get Aqua out.
  11. True I guess I was just thinking of that the beach looked the same and just because it looks the same doesn't mean Aqua is just sitting and waiting as Sora and Riku did. She probably is wandering around. She did find ansem the wise though which is why I was wondering why she didn't find Sora and Riku. Mickey is out isn't he? I swear he was on Destiny Island when Sora and Riku get back.
  12. Oh my god that is ridiculous. I'll be right back I have to go book some flights...
  13. Hey welcome to the community! I am always up for a chat if you ever want someone to talk to
  14. Oh ok thank you. I see that about the journey being longer than theirs.
  15. When Riku and Sora where just sitting in the realm of darkness before Sora gets the note wouldn't Aqua have found them as she is still stuck in the realm of darkness or ,seeing as it is called realm, is she is another part or section of it.
  16. I really enjoyed the ethereal blades. I really liked how they looked.
  17. I bought it overseas so when I was travelling it was great. Didn't really think much of it after I finished it though. But I did like this game.
  18. As long as it isn't a stupid gimmick then sure why not give something to the vita people.
  19. "My thoughts exactly! If you have a dream, don't wait. Act. One of life's little rules. Got it memorized?" - Axel
  20. I really want it to be a new artwork somehow mixing elements of all three games but I feel that it is going to be like the previous HD collections out and just be the boring three windowed game covers. Hope not though....
  21. I think he was fine the way he was. He worked out fine as a he but I can see him as a girl.
  22. Yes I agree completely. I can really see something like that happening in KH3 and I also agree I would sympathise with her. Still I don't think she will be killed like Eraqus and she will be turned around for the final keyblade war fight. Which hoping should be awesome!
  23. Dude that is amazing! I love everything about this picture!
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