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Everything posted by nenni32

  1. I haven't played DDD yet as I am getting it for Christmas but in past games I have found dodge rolling to be a better option for me than simply blocking. For me it never felt right so I was always more comfortable with rolling.
  2. Hey welcome back to the site! Feel free to chat with me if I am on!
  3. I guess KH3 and then maybe we will see something hinting towards the next saga after this xehanort saga. Which would be interesting to see where the series will go.
  4. Season 2 hasn't been officially dubbed yet as Funimation hasn't renewed the license and hasn't released any information on it yet. When they announce it, if they announce it, is when there will be more season 2. Kinda sucks but yeah I am in the same boat as you...
  5. I just played Xion as I couldn't get enough of her and I loved her play style.
  6. They can also do Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 which would have Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth By sleep and maybe put re:coded and dream drops cinematics in there like 358/2 days in 1.5. Oh yeah and KHPC, thanks keysofblade for reminding me!
  7. nenni32


    I am also very happy about this years winners. I am happy borderlands 2 and Journey both did really well. I am very happy that Walking Dead won game of the year purely cause of it being a downloadable game and not a full triple A title like Dishonored. I did however feel that Borderlands 2 should've been nominated for game of the year. I am also happy Handsome Jack one best male performance. Overall very good year at the VGA and didnt have anything stupid like the teabagging.
  8. I've always though Kairi has been cute. Hell my mum walked past me playing and was like who is that? She is cute.
  9. 1. Celebi2. Suicune 3. Cobalion 4. Latias 5. Tyranitar6. Venasaur7. Arceus8. Mew9. Typhlosion10. TerrakionThose are just my top 10. I love a lot of pokemon so it was hard to choose.
  10. More confused than awkward. Took a second to register what was really going on hahaha
  11. Welcome to the site! Feel free to ever chat to me when I am on
  12. Usually at night before I go to bed I spend a few good hours on here. I freaking love this site!
  13. SQUARE PLEASE MAKE!!!!!! That is way to awesome. I am in love.
  14. Yeah I thought it was only me but it is interesting to see that it is affecting others.
  15. 1. Dearly Beloved - Kingdom Hearts 2 2. Three hands clapping - The World Ends with You 3. Lullaby - The World Ends with You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBaTePiAlDA 4. Sanctuary - Kingdom Hearts 2 5. Marco Polo - Uncharted 2 There are a lot more that I love but I would have to say these are my top 5.
  16. I have two. I have this little blue bear that Ive grown up with my whole life and I have a Kero plushie from the show Cardcaptors and it is awesome!
  17. I am excited for this!!!! I do wish however the anime was more like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2SA4GyXb2U
  18. Dude this painting is incredible! Way better than anything I could do. Keep up the good/sick work!
  19. Hey welcome to the site! Feel free to chat with me if you want
  20. YES ! YES ! YES ! I am so excited! Calendar is marked and counting the sleeps! Please have lots and good news from there!
  21. Hey welcome to the site! I am usually on if you want to chat!
  22. I'd give this game an 8/10. It was enjoyable and a good time waster.
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