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Everything posted by sinisterShadow

  1. Wow its really bad.... or so i think but tell me what you think about it
  2. My otp is the one everyone is against... the (censor)?

  3. Happy firetrucking New Years Peasants!!! :)

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Happy new year ^^

    2. sinisterShadow


      Thank you my dear peasants >:)

    3. Weiss


      You are welcome, your majesty.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  4. this is why I love the fact that my name is Kira
  5. My reaction: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=danisnotonfire&offset=72#/d4v6pep
  6. Boredom rears its ugly face again -_-

  7. No one is always happy. Yes the person is correct. But They could be one of the people who are TOO happy if you catch my drift
  8. I like the font although I prefer using Trebuche MS or if any websites have it these days, the Calliographic font is a lovely one. Also arial.... lovely font as well
  9. yay one more day of crummy old school till winter break~!!

  10. You are an amazing drawer!! ^_^
  11. I should be asleep but no. I'm on my laptop drawing characters from Homestuck.... sigh xD

    1. sinisterShadow


      Lol Karkat is my favorite :3 im actually him in my cosplay group (i also have a Terezi, Sollux, and Nepeta :3) although my favorite human is Dave *w*

    2. VanitasisKirby


      Dave! :D

      I approve of that cosplay group :3

    3. sinisterShadow


      Lol I am planning on getting more members soon (although ill have to break it to them that their characters probably die... since most did)

      Yes Dave *x*

      And thank you very much it means alot for the approval ;)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. Non canon. IT takes place during the time period but doesnt follow the storyline. So in this the Organization thrive on. None of the members die. Riku can make an appearance and Roxas is still a org. member
  13. Please excuse me for not clarifying this but it takes place during KH2 when Sora is searching for Riku. Which is why the organization are involved.
  14. Mmmmkk So my FMA roleplay didnt take off. Understood. If I say so myself it was rather useless and kind of stupid. That was my first roleplay on here so hopefully this one... hopefully this one is better. Ok so this is a sign up. The following form must be filled out before you can start. ~Nobody Form~ Name: Original Name: Number: Age: Gender: Nobody Title: Lower Nobody (Ex: Dusk, Twilight Thorn, Dancers etc.): Element: Likes: Dislikes: Friends(Yes despite being a nobody you can be friends with a somebody.... or even a heartless): Enemies: Pet (Optional) (Ex: Trained Shadow from Twilight Town): Appearance: Theme: Personality: Bio: ~Somebody Form~ Name: Age: Gender: Also Known As (Optional) (Ex: Name: Taiga A.K.A: The Palm Top Tiger): Likes: Dislikes: Friends: Enemies: Pet (As explained 'pet' as in trained heartless or some other animal): Appearance: Theme: Personality: Bio: For an example i'll use my characters form Name: Axinn Original Name: Nina Number: 14 Age: 19 Gender: Female Nobody Title: The Broken Shard Lower Nobody: Dawn (An upgraded Dusk) Element: Darkness Likes: The dark, reading, writing poetry, when she gains memory of her past, being noticed, walking around The World That Never Was, and many more things you'll find out during the roleplay Dislikes: The light, someone breaking a promise, being left out, being forgotten, and much more you'll find out during the roleplay. Friends: Yuffie, Axel, Zexion, Demyx, Roxas, Namine, Xigbar, Marluxia, Lexeaus Neutral: Xemnas, Xaldin, Luxord. Enemies: Anyone else on the light side, Larxene, Saix, Vexen. Pet: A Shadow she trained from outside in town Appearance: Personality: Nice, rude when necessary, very childish. Bio: Her parents were killed in a car crash when Axinn was 12. She moved to Traverse Town and met Leon and Yuffie. Yuffie thrived and welcomed her, she soon became Yuffie's friend and still is from this day. She was killed when she was 18 and attacked by a heartless in the Alleyway. Since she had a strong heart she was revived in the Org. Despite this cruel past she likes to sing and program computers. There thats it. but of course we do need some rules Rule 1: Keep cursing at mininum Rule 2: No cybering Rule 3: have fun! oh and btw. Sign ups are never closed so keep the forms coming
  15. Those friends that make you cry because you tell them your life story and they tell you not to think about committing suicide because their friend did a few months ago :'(

    1. Kirie


      Dont do stuff like that

    2. sinisterShadow


      I wont. Believe me they really changed my perspective. I was surprised she actually made me cry by telling me that she cared... she was sincere and cared despite how strange i am. she's special in a good way, ill tell ya that :)

  16. Like ohmergherd its a unicurn :P Derp~

  17. Don't get me wrong, it may just be me.... but does anyone like wish anime was real so they can just like jump in and be like, "I'm here." Then when you like become friends with them its just like, "Im noticed." Because you... for once. Get that true feeling of belonging.

  18. Lies jumped out of the fires path only to see the others get trapped. fools.... Lies thought as she frowned for the second. "I'll be fine without them!" Lies encouraged herself. She clapped her hands and raised one in the air. It took her a second but she decided to play fire with fire. She brought her hand down in a circular motion and snapped her fingers creating a large flame that she sent in Roy and Silver's direction.
  19. "My oh my... do we have the earth alchemist here? Come out and be the man everyone knows you arent!" Lies threatened, she clapped her hands and raised one in the air. "Now... I can either stomp my foot and set rain to the fire... or I could complete the circle and create lightning... your choice." Lies smirked as the others attacked some of the other military delinquents.
  20. Lies jumped back, shocked by the fire that came close to her, heating her face. She coughed as smoke rose from the line of fire in front of them. Smirking slightly Lies spoke up, "Everythings a game.... a game you will lose." She growled clapping her hands together and slamming them into the ground, creating a snow like substance that surrounded the general. This was a signal for the other homunculi to attack.
  21. Lies stood and waited for Roy, Ed, or Al to attack first and soon enough as the young state alchemist was about to attack a young girl arrived. She looked about his age... whatever, a battle was a battle.
  22. I am so frik'n considerate when people are hurt xD

  23. Lies smirked, "We did no such thing as too start the war." She smirked Lies jumped back a little as Roy snapped his finger but she gritted her teeth. "Trifling is part of the game, dont ya know?" She smiled getting ready to fight.
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