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Everything posted by DestinySeeker

  1. What am I (blue ranger) doing in that scene I think we were drunk
  2. I heard that they send him to help us kill that other guy that tried to get in the Power Rangers KH13 force!!!
  3. WTH?!?! Where did he come from?! Since when is Spider Man in the Power Rangers?!
  4. The world will end in darkness!!!!(darn u Xehanort I couldn't even get married!!!!)

    1. Silent
    2. DestinySeeker


      Save me red ranger *shrieks* =D

    3. Ptolema


      Who saved you, Red Ranger or Aqua?

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Well Eliza guess we will have to fight you in Kh 3 (good night, god bless you, and I have to go) hahahaha
  6. Never play with Slender Man... He might kill us.
  7. haha Yo Xehanort what are u doing with that body that looks slightly familiar to a game character?
  8. super duper!!!!!! I want a real keyblade to hang on my wall!!!! GREAT JOB DUDE OR LADY!!!!
  9. I'm from PR....this topic is kinda disturbing but I have to say we do have the right as USA territory so why cant we have the same privileges that the ones who live in the USA huh? So I don't really care if were state were still brothers and were supposed to care for each other, because under Gods eyes were equal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I have to say I wont take credit for that keyblade because a boy that I met in summer camp did this...so I wont take credit I just wanted to post it so people could see his talent
  11. Ok this is the Keyblade of the day: name: Eternity
  12. On this forum I will post keyblade that I make or you can just post some of the one you have made. I will not criticize if its ugly or pretty I will just see it and comment. Please be free to send me some through this forum. Knock your self out at drawing and then scanning
  13. So M.Aqua whats our training today... I have my keyblade ready

    1. Ptolema


      I cannot stop laughing. Good luck with that :) Just make sure no one gets their heart removed... Or filled with darkness. But considering it's Aqua, I guess you're in good hands. Happy training.

  14. Aqua be my master and please be my "babysitter" he...he...he...

    1. M.Aqua
    2. DestinySeeker


      Master Aqua reporting for duty >:P

  15. I pretend its a KEYBLADE!!!!!.... yes I have lots of imagination...
  16. Well I'm still confused....but anyway I can play the role of the zombie addict... Ahh zombiiiies!!!! :blink:
  17. What do you plan to do on Christmas :huh: ???? (are you going to give me a keyblade?? )
  18. This is totally weird..... :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:
  19. Wait are you people fighting over who is going to eat the seagull???
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