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Sudo Neku

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Everything posted by Sudo Neku

  1. welcome 2 kh13! enjoy ur stay
  2. welcome to kh13! I hope you have a fun time here
  3. Welcome to kh13! hope you have a fun time here
  4. I'm planning to add Mega Flare into one or both of them. Truth is, I'm still at Pranksters paradise
  5. Welcome to KH13! The community here is great and I'm sure you will enjoy your time here too!
  6. Hey members of kh13, I was wondering what might be the best possible deck command combination for Sora and Riku. Currently I am playing critical mode, and I am using commands like Faith (Sora only), Curaga, Salvation (Sora only), Meteor Crash (Riku only), Dark Firaga (Riku only), Dark Splicer (Riku only, I am not using dark aura), Shadowbreaker, Sonic Blade (Sora only). This is just the gist of my deck command, and as you can see, most of the commands I am using are for each specific character. I would appreciate any recommendations for an improvement toward my combination but please provide a brief explanation. Thank you very much for taking your time to read this and I hope this thread will also help other fellow players who are also playing KH DDD.
  7. Welcome to kh13.com! I am also a new memebr here, so I hope that you can be friends with the community!
  8. O_O are you xehanort's apprentice???
  9. KH 3D: critical mode is pretty hard. :/

    1. Kinode


      Try LV1 Critical Mode

    2. The Protagonist

      The Protagonist

      Thats a pain the ass.

  10. I will and thanks again everyone!
  11. Well a growing community is a better one!
  12. Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
  13. Hello members of KH13! Sudo Neku here! I'm new here and I hope that I can mingle with everyone here! I found this website when I was searching for fan made KH comics and it led me to this website here. Last but not least, I'm a big KH fan so I'll be happy to talk about anything regarding KH! Your new member, Sudo Neku
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