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Timothy Ling Jit Houng

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Everything posted by Timothy Ling Jit Houng

  1. Yeah! I find the opening of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance very Dramatic My sister is out of control when it comes to that Video !!!
  2. Which part of Kingdom Hearts have you ever cried before? Any trailer? Any cutscene? Any battle? Well, I cried once. The fight with Roxas in Re: Coded. For some reason, while battling, I can feel Roxas's rage, how he wish he can have his own life... I keep a lot of rage in me too, but I'm not the kind of person who punch an innocent doll. >W< I like Donald !!!
  3. Losing make me feel bed for myself; Winning makes me feel bad for others...Life is such a V-Road!! >W<

    1. Aros


      so losing make you sleep? o_O

      LOL just messing around with your mistake "bed" instead of "bad" xP

    2. Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Thanks for pointing out! Never noticed! >W<

    3. Aros


      LOL don't worry an error is just an opportunity to go random ;)

      (without being mean, eh)

  4. Well, they get Xehanort's hearts if they followed orders. Still a Heart, right?
  5. Will there be 7 Guardians of Light and 13 Seekers of Darkness in the next one?
  6. Ahhh... I get it now. But why did Sora said that in the new picture I attached?
  7. Does Nobodies have a heart? Or do they not? They can cry, I mean like, if you take Dymex's Sitar away, I'm sure he would cry all day until you return it. I like Donald !!!
  8. I don't think even a single drop of blood fell during the Finishing blow, I mean, A real, REAL blow... >W<J
  9. Better. Tifa! Run before he gets up and attack again! Or has the victory song played? (ta ta ta ta to te ta to ta~ what was that song named again?)
  10. Well, I thought many people would like Aerith but Tifa outmatched her... I like Yuffie more than Aerith, though, even though she was really minor in Final Fantasy...
  11. Which Final Fantasy character that appeared in Kingdom Hearts do you like? If Vincent Valentine ever appeared, I would have picked him, but since it's a no, I'll go with Yuffie! I like Donald !!!
  12. Hello! I hope you enjoy it here with us!
  13. Sometimes I don't even know who are my friends anymore, not anyone in KH13 though! Just the ones in my school...

    1. Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Umm... a Xigbar, two confounded Dusks, a Dymex, and of course, a Xemnas (all of them are especially naughty>W<J )

    2. Reflet
    3. Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      You don't know the half of it...>W<

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. Cool! I'd love that! I can be Donald while Aros will be Goofy! I wonder who will Mickey...? >W<
  15. Have anybody noticed how Mickey always comes in time and say:"Gosh, I hope I'm not too late." Like in Kingdom Hearts 3D and Kingdom Hearts Re: coded? I like Donald !!!
  16. Will any of your side-kicks make an appearance in the up coming continuation? It would be cool to see them but the chat room will be very squeezy...
  17. Yeah! That must be how Sora knows about Castle Oblivion!
  18. Does anything Namine draws on her sketch book will enter Sora's memory? It looks like so... I like Donald !!!
  19. Could be true, because Kingdom Hearts was swallowed up by the darkness there.
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