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Timothy Ling Jit Houng

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Everything posted by Timothy Ling Jit Houng

  1. 456! We should act the part in Final Fantasy 7- Advent children where everybody gives a boost to Cloud to fly up and kill the monster!>W< (That was violent!!!)
  2. OK. I need a little help here. So if that's the Keyblade Graveyard, how can that place be Land of Departure/ Castle Oblivion?
  3. Are these the same? Are these the tool to activate Kingdom Hearts? I mean like, Ventus IS necessary for the X-blade and he even asked his friends to destroy him to avoid the Keyblade War. I like Donald !!!
  4. Hello! Good luck with your game developing! What company do you work for?
  5. I'm wondering about that too. My sis says it's the Keyblade Graveyard but I feel that it is a piece of grassland where Sora is...
  6. I need a hug. For some reason, I feel very sad and very scared today...

  7. If Sora took out the WayFinder Kairi made for him, do you think it will shoot out a beam too?>W< If it does, whose Dive to Heart picture will it show?
  8. Do you think this Cross-road is part of Land of Departure/ Castle Oblivion? I like Donald !!!
  9. Nya! Good to see so many competitors! Well, I won't lose too! http://kh13.com/forum/topic/81160-my-entry-for-the-for-the-competition-w/
  10. Well, This is my entry for the competition>W<! “Friendship” Friendship… What is friendship…? Those are the words that I wonder all the time. It’s been ten years wondering alone in this empty space, I don’t even remember how does it feel… What does it mean…? What is… Friendship...? But whenever I wield my keyblade… Whenever I see the WayFinder I made for us… I remember…What is friendship… An unbreakable connection… There are no magic needed…For friendship…Friendship gives the strength to carry on… The will to never give up… The hope for a brighter tomorrow… All laughter… All sad times… The reason we fight… The reason I’m here… The smile on our faces… I remember…There weren’t just sad memories …There were fun ones too… Happy ones… Memorable ones… Ventus… Terra… I promise… To bring you back…It’ll be like old times… Together… Beneath the same stars… Together… Always…~ Aqua Friendship… What is friendship…? What was friendship…? Before I lost my body… Before I fell into darkness… Before I became this hollow armor… I was weak… I couldn’t save them… My will is strong… But I gave in to the darkness… For the sake of my friends… Yet… It wasn’t strong enough… To save everything… The past… The future… My friends… Aqua… Ventus… Is this friendship…? Can I get another chance to set things right again…? To return everything… Back to the way it was…? Xehanort… Xehanort…! I’m not sure if I will get my body back… But… I will never forgive you…! You hurt my friends… I might not be able to get out of here…To protect others…But with the will… I will stay here… Until the day I see you again… I will set things right again! I will bring everything back to the way it was! My heart might be corrupted be darkness… But my will never fade…! As longs as my friends are with me… I will show you… That this empty armor’s will will be able to defeat the darkness in you! ~Terra Friendship… What is friendship…? My friends are my power, and I am theirs… What does that sentence mean…? Why do I feel like… The phrase… Has lost all meaning…? Where was the trust between friends… Between the three of us… Where are you… Aqua… Terra…? The WayFinder… We share an unbreakable connection… But where has the magic gone to… Aqua…? Where has the strong will gone to… Terra…? They were my power… But now I am weak… Unconscious… If I am their power… Why aren’t they strong enough to be here…? Why…? Wasn’t our heart connected…? If our hearts are connected… Where is our strength…? Where is our… Power..? Have our hearts lost connection between each other…? What is friendship…? Where is our friendship…? ~Ventus Enjoy~>W< Well, all I can say is I like Donald !!!
  11. Which is your favourite Kingdom Hearts joke? Mine is the part in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, where... Sora: Hey, I didn't catch your name. Neku: Dream Eaters! Sora: That's a weird name. Neku: Not me, them! How about you guys? I like Donald !!!
  12. YAY! Exam is finally over! Time to catch up with everybody! So... What's new?

    1. Aros


      so that's why i didn't see you around so much lately xD the usual random stuff, i got the platinum on KH1FM and the day KH2.5 is released is everyday nearest xP

    2. Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Timothy Ling Jit Houng

      Sounds tough>W<! I have no PS console AT ALL...So sad... And yeah! It's near! I can't wait for the cut scenes!

    3. Aros


      oh really? you should buy it... just so LOL joking is not like for a PS3 and a couple of games the price is low >.<


      anyway somewhere on youtube there's already the cutscenes sub eng..... i think xD

  13. Has anybody noticed how thin is Sora's neck and leg?! >W< You can add this picture to my trauma list... I like Donald !!!
  14. Congratulation on having 100 likes >W

    1. Soravids


      I just now saw this, sorry. anyway thanks a lot! I appreciate it.

  15. Does anyone have a picture of Young Eraqus before he tied up his hair? That way, we can guess better.
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