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Drathermon Ling

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Posts posted by Drathermon Ling

  1. My favorite memory of pokemon is not knowing which type is stronger, immune or weaker. That day I ran into a trainer's gliscor not knowing it is a ground and flying.(thunder type moves doesn't effect... :mellow: ). Then I fight a dragon type pokemon with my starter pokemon and like that...(fire, grass and water is not very effective to them... :mellow: )

    I'm not gonna play pokemon EVER!! 

    Geuss I will still use my favorite rock and steel type Aggron. :wink:

  2. I been wondering, Yu-Gi-Oh has been my childhood card game. However, I started to play Cardfight Vanguard a few years back. I have lot of fun playing these card games. You know, I win over my brother for almost every round. But now I have to choose to quit one of the game. Which do you suggest? Its a hard decision for me.

  3. The best one is Hundred Acre Woods because it is boring and funny.

    Me like Pooh!! :tongue: 

    However, yeah mostly Disney movie featured in Kingdom Hearts are my fravorite. Pinnochio's world, Alice in the wonderland, Hercules's, Cinderalla's, Tangled(coming soon! Totally looking forward to it.) and hope that got Frozen(hope that can play with Olaf :smile: ).

  4. I want to join too. I will also ask Timothy Ling Jit Huong to join me too.

    Here's my character:

    Guardians Character Sheets

    Name : Taishi Miwa

    Age : 17

    Gender : male



    Bio (Optional) :

    Alignment : Defender

    Weapons (Optional) :


    Stride Warriors Character Sheets

    Name : Seal Dragon, Georgette

    Age : unknown

    Gender : unknown

    Race : flame dragon

    Appearance (Be it descriptive or an image) :


    Bio (Optional) :

    It is a loyalist who has saved the life of the former Emperor from rebels by using the forbidden power. Though it managed to terminate the riot, it was imprisoned for the sin of using the confidential power without permission. The current Empire, of which most of the power lies on the hands of officials, could not allow the Emperor to change the punishment of a criminal, and Georgette was branded as one of the Seal Dragons. With its history, it was an irregular Seal Dragon who was allowed to release all of its power, while other Seal Dragons could not due to their crimes. The true identity of its magical armament is an ancient treasure, imbued with a spell that allowed it to grow for every battle it faces. Said to be a tragic weapon, it had caused calamity when it fell into the hands of a malicious owner. Once sealed, this weapon grew to wield the power of "Unlock", and its power rises continuously.

    This power, once labeled as "Evil" due to being used by the victims, is released into this world again by a righteous owner. "Lock" was no longer the absolute despair. From now on, the Empire shall not be trampled by the black rings.

    Realm : Cray

    Weapons (Optional) : Two ancient swords

    Skill (Optional) : 

    Unlock - Uses its special power to release its comrades from harm and danger.

    The power of two - Get stronger every time it meets a new opponent.



    "Stride Generation!"


    Let's image! Let's Vanguard!

  5. Friends…? What is friendship…? Is it somebody we could laugh with? I wonder if I ever have any…


      “Axel. Do yo think we are friends?”

      “Yeah. I think so.”


    Another day sitting on this clock tower. The sunset on the edge of this world. The sun always shone red, changing the sky to reddish orange. This world, Twilight Town is the same as always. Eating our usual ‘icing on the cake’, salty yet sweet.


      “Hey, Roxas bet you don’t know why the sun set red. You see light is made up of lots of colours. And in all those colors, red is the one that travels the furthest.”

      “Like I ask…‘Know-It-All’.”


    Those time were the time we have fun together. I hope this will never end. Although we are apart but our hearts are still conneted.


      “You just keep running but I promise that I will be there to bring you back. Dark rescue is my middle name. Got it memorized?”


    I shouldn’t have run away that day. If I had listen to Axel. We could end up being together always. Never losing my friends.


      “Nobody ever cares about me.”

      “I do care.”


    But is this destined for me to do this. What if I stay? Will we really be together forever? Or we will end being a pawn for Xehanort’s plan?


    “I hope this would last forever.”

    “But nothing last forever.”


    After I return to Sora, I felt lonely without my friends. This loneliness give me many questions.


    “Now… Tell me. Why he pick you?”


    However, now I’m within Sora, I still feel happy because I made the right choice. Now I still can meet up with my friends but I can’t tell them how I feel. It doesn’t feel the same. But I’m still glad that someone is strong enough to protect them.


         “There are many hearts conneted to yours. You’re me, so you can feel what I felt”

    “Roxas, you are you. We are not the same.”

         “Sora, see? That’s why it has to be you.”


    Sora, I'll lend you my power so that you can protect them for me. After all you are me.

  6. To be honest, I'm just the same as Timothy Ling Jit Houng.

    I used to be like a Nobodies, don't know what to do everyday.But when Kingdom Hearts was released, It fill up my everyday life with things to do. For example, play Kingdom Hearts from morning to night, searching for latest news or drawing some characters from the Kingdom Hearts series. It is a never ending adventure.

    But the thing is, I'm not allowed to online purchase because i don't have a credit card. It also hard to find a shop in my country that sells Kingdom Hearts game. So, this is why I think I deserved this Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix.

    However, wish all the participants good luck. :smile:

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