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Drathermon Ling

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Status Replies posted by Drathermon Ling

  1. What game should I to play? There are just too many to choose!!

  2. What game should I to play? There are just too many to choose!!

    1. Drathermon Ling

      Drathermon Ling

      I think I'm in a mood for puzzle. Professor Layton or Ace Attorney?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Oh no! I haven't study of an important exam that is coming soon. The exam is likee 36 days left! What should I do? Oh well, I guest I should get started. Before I been shoot by my machinegun mum.

    1. Drathermon Ling

      Drathermon Ling

      Not really for me. Because my playful little brother always ask me to play with him. So annoying.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. School holidays is so boring.Stick at home on KH13 everyday.Ha ha.

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