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Everything posted by princessnamine

  1. Hi :) Your profile is cute :)

    1. princessnamine


      I see you're great friends with DawnStar btw xD I wanna be great friends with you too..

    2. KHUndertaleFan25


      Thanks. And of course we'll be friends.

  2. Patrick: *Points upwards* Squidward: Riku is not a game console either. ()
  3. ^ I made her think that. I can be selfish sometimes.
  4. Really sorry to hear that. *hugs* I hope your dolly will help cheer you up... And your grandma is always special to you too..
  5. Hi Caity :)

    1. princessnamine


      How are you today? :)

    2. princessnamine




      Also you have 11,000 profile views now xD

    3. Caity


      I do? xD I'm good (well now it's a new day), apart from the fact I have to walk to uni (which is a 20 minute walk) in an hour or so and it is literally pissing down with rain

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  6. I liek trains. *gets hit by one* I liek trains. XDDDDDDD
  7. Hi :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lalalablah


      Glad to hear, are you doing anything for Halloween?

    3. princessnamine


      I dunno, I'll probably dress up as someone but I dunno yet xD

    4. Lalalablah


      Yea I'm debating whether or not to go trick or treating this year or to just stay home and give out candy haha

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  8. I kept forgetting to post in this thread DX I shall now put reminders so that I never forget again
  9. I'm not one of these people. And that's not even true either. D:
  10. Hi :) I hope you're not mad at me over the other day...

    1. Lady Aleister

      Lady Aleister

      No no, it's okay.

  11. Hi :) I wonder where you were today xD (or you were maybe resting xD) I didn't see you on gaia either. My parents are making me sleep early tho :

    1. Anonn0000


      Yeah I was sleeping.


      Warning; scary shiz xD

    2. princessnamine


      I'll see later xD I saw your thread on the recent threads list...

    3. Anonn0000


      Oh, okay. Yeah, that was me freaking out and thinking i was possably being 'h-worded' on gaia online for being....'cute'.....but turns out thats defenetly not true people love my avatar^^

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  12. Hi Dawnie :3 I was the first one to post in the battle royale xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. princessnamine


      And cute username :3 I might want "fairy" in my username as well xD instead of maybe using pikakirby all the time, or I could include it: Pikafairykirby? :)

    3. princessnamine


      (I'll wait till you come on tho before I join. I'll be sure to refer you "dawniefairy" tho :3)

    4. Anonn0000


      Hi pikakirby im on now :D

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  13. I know, right? ; I'd love some cake too if I was on the same team lol
  14. Okay then *sneaks up and steals some for myself *
  15. *Gives my team leader cute plushies* x3 You would take them all from me?
  16. You're lucky I wish I was with Weedanort tho because he's hilarious
  17. I is a Bowser. I breathe fireballs. D8 And a LAZOR. SHWOOP DA WOOP Amuse me
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