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Everything posted by princessnamine

  1. I go to sleep, hoping to have good dreams...
  2. I send nobody to attack you. As in lots of nobody
  3. I have a Riku avatar too Edit: I kinda got anxious suddenly...
  4. I am not ticklish /lied OMG NO YOUR NOT! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  5. Okay then [lying]I'm not ticklish at all ya know [/lying]
  6. GLaDOS just malfunctioned there, just ignore that
  7. I am definitely shy in real life, I can never get myself to talk to anyone I don't know unless they talk to me first. Online I can be a lot outgoing but sometimes a little shy.
  8. Hi :D I guess I just missed you then xD Tho one of the most recent topics has the h-word in it...

    1. Anonn0000


      (tho i seem well enouth to use it for a short while right now i think =))

    2. Anonn0000


      (sorry i missed you earlier, tho^^;; lol..)

    3. Anonn0000


      May The 4th be with you! :D

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  9. Avatar: Hawt! Signature: Cute blingee (My meme, everyone )
  10. Yay! Thanks forever! *Is so grateful* *gives you a daisy crown* ^_^
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