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Everything posted by Ptolema

  1. LOL Necroposting. ... I see your point... I've read about a Gorgon... Her name is Ari and she's in my Avatar right now. My signature is awesome! You can't look into a Gorgon's eyes, can you? ...Ooooppss...
  2. http://www.failanswers.com/entertainment/pure-evil-television/ OMG, whatever that was made for, I'm laughing. I'm not sure if it's trolling or for real, but I found it funny...
  3. What? I can't process, I need more information!
  4. Ptolema

    New Pope!

    My school's teachers will be so happy to hear this...
  5. inb4Someonewhodoeshaveit Why on Earth would it be in my clothes? Man, you've sure got some creativity!
  6. I really don't know... Maybe Larxene or Marluxia...
  7. I tell them... Only my cousin and his best friend joined. I have some friends who like Kingdom Hearts, but they're not interested in joining. There's one who kind of would like to, but doesn't know much English (in Wattpad, I had to translate everything for her, and she is an A+ student in her school's English class, which makes me realize they are really not teaching them well...). Other of my friends just don't like to Kingdom Hearts and are too busy fooling around that site they call 'Facebook'.
  8. Well, I've never heard them say THAT, but my cousin and I once turned away and it sounded like one of them had said 'carajo' (similar to 'hell' in Spanish). We just LOL'ed..
  9. I ALREADY RESERVED UNIVERSITY LIFE!!! I was bored so I abducted an alien... I feel like a boss... Don't ask on how I did that... *coughtestingcheatsenabledtruecough*
  10. ........I think I'm a Timelord.............
  11. Simlish can be... misunderstood. My cousin and I have misunderstood some words for curses in Spanish... I all depends on how you heard it... Sims are weird like that.
  12. I am only here to watch, I am the anamnesis of the ones who don't understand...
  13. For some reason, that comment made my day. LOL.
  14. COME MEDUSA!!! That thing should be turned to stone! It is outraging! []/shot
  15. ...Now... That was... weird... I can't resist asking, Weiss, where does your name come from?
  16. Some of my favorite books that come to mind now are: -13 Treasures --13 Curses -Beautiful Creatures --Beautiful Darkness --Beautiful Chaos --Beautiful Redemption -The Hunger Games --Catching Fire --Mockingjay -Darkness Become Her --A Beautiful Evil --The Wicked Within (I'm waiting for it to come out) (Why you no coming out already?) -Vampire Stalker And all those books I forgot.
  17. Still Keysofblades. Changing their name won't change who they are.
  18. I believe this was an old April Fools Day joke, but I laughed at it. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2010/04/15/online-shoppers-unknowingly-sold-souls/ People really don't read clauses.
  19. I knew making Naminort would serve us well some day...
  20. I'm not there. O_o Wait, I am there... Which makes this weirder...
  21. I agree with that. Even Axel committed many crimes. They may have lacked a Heart, but they could think. They chose to do everything they did, whether it was because they wanted to have a Heart, or because they desired power. They aren't held gullible for what they did. They have lots of blinded fan girls who refuse to admit it. They all had their positive and negative traits, but in the end they mostly rooted for the negative ones. Unable to realize they were being used, they just obeyed Xemnas. I pity them, but they're still guilty.
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