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Everything posted by Ptolema

  1. Eraqus realized you were going to beat him, and Master Xehanort would finish him while down, so he tried to win and steal your HP bonus...
  2. Whoa... This actually said 'Quality KH13 for sale'. O_O And if you add 'Keysofblades' to the search... It basically recaps the past few months of the KH13 war. Then this... Dafuq?! And Bane... O.O Santanort... Oh, dear. Oh, Google, how you amuse me! I kinda took part in the beginning of this Googling stuff trend. Funny indeed.
  3. Why did Xehanort need to become obsessed with X's...
  4. Smile... Go out with a smile. Xion did that as well.
  5. Why can't all of the factions have their own empire and collaborate with each other? It's for the people/members, remember. The love most be shown.
  6. Why did you have to remind me of that...? Large ham + The Corruption + Casting a Shadow = Be concerned, this body snatching memetic molester is attempting to destroy the universe FOR SCIENCE!!! I read KH's Nightmare Fuel every time I'm bored...
  7. Though she's no Dusk... Talk about flexibility... O_O
  8. We must keep a keen eye on trailers and openings from now on...
  9. Openings always spoil... Foreshadowing the Thirteen Darknesses, perhaps?
  10. I am writing baylaust just for the sake of not capitalizing it...
  11. He even practices in the openings... O_O
  12. I have problems with bosses, but it's probably because I have no idea of what I am doing with those cards... I hope I can do that...
  13. Freezing Birth By Sleep's opening can give little kids nightmares... I am a little unhinged myself. Ahem... So much Nightmare Fuel...
  14. Why do you keep writing Roxas instead of Ventus every time you take a screenshot of him...?

    1. DestinySeeker


      Roxas why you no get your own identity?

  15. I feel beckoned to welcome back such an admirable Keyblade.
  16. Yessssss. It is what I am looking forward to the most.
  17. Challenge: Take damage no more than 7 times. What happens: ELIMINATOR!!!
  18. Hmm... A remake of a remake? This should be interesting...
  19. I had some in 358/2 Days. The Land Armor's head would vanish if I hit it while it was down. When fighting Ruler of the Sky, it would fly away toward that Skull rock and never come back. O_O Then there's how my autolife worked twice in the same battle. But I didn't mind that. And once my Limit break got stuck. O_O Seriously owned that battle with Riku. Oh, and once a Fire bounced at me. It really returned to me. I didn't take damage, but it seriously came back at me. I haven't personally played DDD, but I see there's LOTS of glitches in it.
  20. All I want, sincerely, is watching the remade cutscenes.
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