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Everything posted by Ptolema

  1. It's your consciousness. Or maybe your thoughts are bouncing back at you... Like in your subconsciousness, you're sending yourself messages. That could be helpful. As long as the voices don't get evil. If they do, seek help immediately. That's kinda explained, since you're a Xehanort... Ahem... That happens to me all the time, but it's kinda intentional. I practice my multiple personalities. You never know when you may have to lie...
  2. Me estoy enfogonando con los errores ortográficos en español... Pero me encanta ver a la gente tratar, lo están haciendo bastante bien. Ahem... I'll try Japanese. Watashi wa Eliza... Hikari yami hikari yami... Baka? Eigo! Eigo! Eigo! Hai. Iie. Hikari yami hikari yami!
  3. Wondrous thread. Really. LOL, melons.
  4. I didn't even realize the title said isn't, so the jokes on you. Have fun with the trololololololololol, you must be bored.
  5. I like it a lot... No offense, but I'm a she... 0_0
  6. People have always thought I'm between 13 and 15. I'm 14, and they still tell me that. So I think I look kinda my age. But I'm 5'3'' tall, and most of my friends are shorter. I'll be 5'6'' soon enough. Then be happy, that's not bad, it's fun/smart size.
  7. It would be depressing. Self-like. Only one like. POINTLESS! The only person who would like your post would be yourself.
  8. I've only played DS games, but... 10. Ruler of the Sky. Finally beating it was so satisfying. 9. Dragon Maleficent from Re:coded. I got so pissed off she only lasted a couple minutes. 8. Leechgrave. Weeeeeeeeeee! I liked beating it up. 7. Any flying Hearless boss. Except when I forget to get an aerial Keyblade... Grrr... I rage finish them. 6. Pete. In both 358/2 Days and Re:coded. 5. Infernal Engine. Best Heartless boss battle ever. 4. Saïx. Muahahahahahaha. Pal, you deserved it. Had it or had it not being your fault, you deserved it. I didn't let him react. 3. Data-Riku. His firetrucking Dark Aura annoyed me, but I still kicked his butt. 2. Riku. He got so owned... 1. Xion. I loved the final form. And the immunity Nothing to Fear granted me... Oh, I love it!
  9. I think your signature is capable of attracting worse. Nightmare Fuel x100
  10. Three words: Birth by Sleep. Master Xehanort is quite a Sith Lord. It gets really, really weird if you think that Ansem Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas are Darth Vader, Terra is Anakin and Master Xehanort himself is Palpatine. Oh, dear...
  11. Kh1 was better. It was the beginning and important plotwise. Like, half of Kh2 was actually important plotwise. I couldn't make sense of some parts, like 'What does this even have to do with the story?' Besides, in Kh1 you didn't have to kill Nobodies who were growing Hearts.
  12. ... That guy does not look like a mayor or someone's adoptive father... He makes me think of something completely different, completely unrelated... So NO.
  13. The left one is red and the right one is blue. Besides, color blindness depends on the animal. It's actually proven, that some dogs for example, can see brilliant yellow or purple. I don't know if that applies to hedgehogs, but this is Keys we're talking about. She/he is a special hedgehogs that has no problem with typing, wearing tutus or commanding armies.
  14. Master Xehanort got so defeated by those pics...
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