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Everything posted by Ptolema

  1. No importa lo que una persona haya hecho, ni en lo que se haya involucrado, nadie se merece morir joven. Que Dios la ampare en su misericordia y que a tí y a tu familia te bendiga.
  2. This is Hotel California. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/47832-i-think-kh13-is/?do=findComment&comment=974329
  3. How could she allow that, help it be done. When someone does something like that, I doubt they even have a soul.
  4. Que descanse en paz. I'm really sorry for your loss. It's so tragic, how many innocent people are dying here in Puerto Rico.
  5. It's okay, I get it all the time.
  6. Not funny at all. I'm blonde, and I'm not dumb. Neither is Larxene. And we're angry.
  7. Please join me. http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=cphy&k=nWS
  8. I'm so going to start one once I get to my aunt's house...
  9. *Likes* Funny how we're just writing like instead of actually liking.
  10. I'd like to, it's Kingdom Hearts and all, but... I don't think my mother would like me buying a black with yellow eyes, antennae bearing plush toy.
  11. One of my friends just uses them as murder practice. Seriously, she searches for new ways to kill them. She told me she found a hack to throw rockets at them. And, yes, they get to be a little stupid. Even with autonomy to the max. I sometimes use that cheat to freeze their needs. They start randomly walking around the house if I don't control them .
  12. One of my vampires was bitten by a zombie and suddenly died of thirst. I was like, WHAT??? So, many things zombies do annoy me. I also thought I had to fend them off. I had my witch try to burn one... Didn't work too well, some random creep who wasn't a zombie put out the flames.
  13. I can't turn the volume up, so I didn't understand it...
  14. What's that game called, I want to play it.
  15. ... What is that...? O_O I don't want one, sorry.
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